11. embarassing

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Groggily, you made your way to your first class of the day. Every step you took felt heavy. Everything felt heavy. Lack of sleep was really weighing down on you, and it didn't help how busy you had been recently with student council, homework, and your job. But it's not like anything has changed. Your routine, in all honesty, was completely the same as before. It's just something felt off. You couldn't quite put your finger on it. Well. Truthfully you could. You were 100% capable of doing so and knew exactly what was causing it, but part of you didn't want to accept that as the cause. Of course you aren't losing sleep due to the fact that you haven't talked to Niki since that incident. That's just preposterous! Why would that even bother you? Instead, you force yourself to put the blame on the others aspects riddling your life. For example, 8 a.m classes.
You stop in your tracks before you enter the classroom, observing the scene in front of you. Niki and his group of friends were all there for some reason. That part was unusual, considering they usually come after your class. But what caught your eye was the girl who was talking to Niki. It was Shein. Her brown hair was blown out perfectly, no hair out of place. You could tell she had her uniform hemmed because it fit her perfectly, and she wore a cardigan that made the uniform look so stylish. You look down at your long black hoodie in dismay. Not to mention the multiple gold jewelry pieces that adorned her wrist and neck. She was no Wonyoung but compared to you...
You watched as she laughed at whatever Niki said, playfully hitting his arm. Even her laugh was cute. They would make a cute couple. Like those cute jock and cheerleader couples in the movies. For some reason your stomach began to hurt. Oh god. There goes your perfect attendance. You quickly fled the scene, finding your legs subconsciously bringing you to the library. Anywhere but your classroom. As if someone was chasing after you, you proceed to walk faster to the farthest corner of the library and tuck yourself into a small desk by a shelf of books. You huffed, catching your breath as you held your stomach. The ache that you felt hadn't gone away. For some reason you felt embarrassed. Why were you embarrassed?

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niki's pov

Walking into her class, I scanned the room for her presence, but sadly she wasn't there. With an agitated sigh, I leaned against one of the desks. I'll wait for her for a couple minutes. She's never late. Tapping my foot, impatience visible with every step, I watch the door closely. I really wanted to apologize to her for the way I acted during the away game, but in all honesty it's been quite hard. The truth is, the whole thing is embarrassing to me. I've never felt so strongly about someone, and it's making me act weird. It's like, every second of my day, all I can think about is her. Everything reminds me of her. Stupid shit that I never paid attention to before her.

"Maimura Riki whatcha doing here so early?" I looked up to see my friends standing at the doorway. They looked at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes at Jay's little nickname. Not funny. What a geezer. "Obviously he's waiting for the love of his life", said Heeseung with a playful tone as they all walked to where I was. I rolled my eyes, but didn't attempt to argue. Who was I to lie to my hyung? Suddenly, I notice someone walking in, my eyes quickly avert to the door, hoping it was y/n.

Oh, it's just Shein.

She seemed happy about something? "Hi Niki", she said shyly,"where were you at my party last week? I couldn't find you at all and I was so bummed." I chuckled nervously and looked at the guys for help. They all shrugged their shoulders. Useless. They're all useless.

"Haha I was there. Just hidden I guess."

She giggled loudly, slapping my arm playfully,"Y'know you don't have to be shy around me Niki! Just come up to me. Oh and we should definitely hangout together! Like outside of school. I heard there's a new cafe that just opened...." Blah blah blah blah blah. Where's y/n? This is getting annoying. Honestly. She's getting annoying.

ring. ring. ring.

Saved by the bell. I quickly said my goodbyes to my friends, and ran out the door, observing the various faces I pass by, hoping it's the one I wanna see so badly. But the closer I got to my lecture hall, the more the dissatisfaction washes over me. Before I take a step into my class, I glance around the hall one more time. Empty. Completely empty. I walk in defeatedly, taking a seat in the back. I couldn't even concentrate on what the professor was talking about, instead zoning out completely.

Suddenly, I feel a slight tap coming from behind. I turn around and immediately beam at the person responsible. I don't think I've ever been more excited to see the student council president in my life, until now. Maybe she could tell me where y/n's at! Surely her best friend should know her whereabouts, right?

"Niki have you seen y/n?"

Great. She notices the smile dissipate from my face and is able to figure out the answer to her question without the need for my response. "I was just about to ask you that." She gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'll text her. Maybe she overslept." I sighed. We both know that's unlikely, but I still muttered a small thanks at her attempt to reassure me. I turned around, putting my hood up and my headphones in. I scrolled through the playlist of all the songs she's showed me, instantly clicking on the particular wave to earth song that started it all. Letting out my nth sigh of the day, I lay my head in my arms and close my eyes. Where is y/n? My y/n.

𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚 - 𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now