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Y/N laid onto her bed and sighed. After bumping into Megumi today, she had isolated herself into her room, not wanting to be seen ever again. She would have to owe it up to him, though.

She can only wonder why he didn't get angry. Most people would scream at the person, but he...he simply walked away without even looking at her.

Y/N shook her head, not wanting to worry about it too much. Y/N sighed and rolled on her stomach, feeling a wash of Euphoria. She's horny. Y/N got up and searched her drawer for her vibrator. She made sure to bring everything with her from home.

Upon retrieving it, her panties touched her ankles, and soon, she was arching at the feel of her vibrator. The only thing she could think of was him.


When she bumped into him earlier, she caught a glimpse of his smell. He smelled amazing. Explaining it would be too hard, and not to mention he had touched her shoulder as a way to keep her from falling onto him.

His huge hands and long fingers. Ugh, just everything about him made her want him. And she barely knows him. She only knows his name.


Y/N whimpered a moan and gripped her sheets. As Megumi was the only man on her mind, she got closer and closer to an orgasm.

"Fuck." She exhales. Y/N exhaled again, and her hold got tighter. Her mouth propped open, and her muscles tightened. Y/N came and a smile crept onto her face as she did so.

"That was amazing." Y/N heard a thud and then a slam. She sat up, thinking that someone was trying to break into her dorm. Y/N pulled her panty up onto her hip and got out of bed.

Y/N shuffled to the door and opened it to see what it could have been. When she did, she saw Megumi standing by the stairs talking to someone. A girl.

A different girl. This time, she has blonde hair, and she's taller than the last girl.

"I don't care Megumi. You're such a whore!" She slapped him and Y/N flinched. The girl noticed her.

"The hell are you looking at?! Are you having sex with her, too?!" Megumi looked back at Y/N, and his eyes traced her. Y/N cursed herself for coming out in just a T-shirt and panties.

And upon the realization, she went back inside, closing the door. Y/N gazed down at herself and cussed.

"Dammit, Y/N. Seriously, what is wrong with you?" She heard their muffled argument, catching nothing the girl was saying.  Then, silence. Y/N kept her ear pressed against her door for a few more minutes before reopening the door.

This time, the hall was empty. She couldn't get what the girl had said out of her head. Was the quiet guy next door a player?

If he was such a player, why ignore her? Actually, why does she care? Y/N closed her door and huffed.

She doesn't care.


The next morning, Y/N was rushing to class. She clutched her heavy textbooks as she spoke into her phone. She had trouble going to sleep after witnessing the little staircase argument.

If it wasn't for her mother calling her phone, she probably would've missed her first day of class.

"I know, mom, and I'm sorry." She apologizes for the millionth time.

"Mija, you're in a foreign country, and I'm just trying to make sure you're okay."

"I am Mama. Sorry. I'll call you after class, I promise."


"Si mama. Can I go now?"


Y/N hung up and went into the class. The professor was already teaching when she reached, and all eyes met her. He's the same man she met yesterday, Professor Gojo.

He smiles upon seeing her and takes a pause. "Y/N, welcome." He beams. "A bit late, but you're here nonetheless, right?" He grins. Y/N shot him an awkward smile and nodded. 

"Go on, find a seat." Gojo motions. Y/N did as she was told and made her way all the way up to the last row where it's empty. Y/N got a good scan of the classroom and was sure she counted one hundred people, all gathered at the front of the class.

Now she feels left out that she chose to sit away from the crowd.

"Alright, back to where I was. Right, so your client has evidence against them on killing their own child with rat poison. What sentence would best fit this case scenario?"

"Involuntary manslaughter!" Someone shouted.

"Anyone else?"

"First degree murder."

"Okay, so there are two different types of sentencing for this case. Either one could be right. Tomorrow, we are going to have a trail case on this tomorrow as a class. There will be two people who go against each other. Defensive versus offensive. Whoever can convince me to take their side will get an instant A, and the other will, of course, gain their first F."

Gojo's eyes met Y/N as he took a seat onto his desk. "Y/N," mostly everyone turned their heads in her direction, making the hair on her hands stand up.

"You will be defending. I want to see what the new student has to bring."

All she did was nod. "The one on the offensive side will be..." Gojo looked at his mark list and hummed.

"Mr....Fushiguro. As for the one that is the supposed killer, will be Nobara. The rest of you will watch, observe, and take notes. You will get to ask questions after and point out the flaws of the trial. But for now, class dismissed."

They all got up and began pooling out. Y/N packed up her bag and made her way to leave when she was stopped.


"Yes, sir?" She says, looking at him.

"Try to be more early to class. You missed the entirety of the lesson."

"So sorry about that, Mr.Satoru. I had trouble sleeping, is all."

"Okay, but don't lose. It's hard to pass my class." He winked.

Y/N, being the challenger she was born to be, sent him a fake smile. "We'll see about that." Gojo watched the young woman walk out of his class, and he smirked.

She should know that law school is a place where everyone fights for the finish line. Doesn't matter if it means tearing others down or getting in their way. A lot of students who attend Jujutsu University barely make it through.

Some leave crying and in debt, and few walk across the stage with a triumphant smile on their faces.

"Yes, we shall."


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝑩𝒐𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒓 / 𝑴𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝑭𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now