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Megumi had followed all the way back to her dorm. She has noticed him and had tried her best speed walking her way here. Y/N ran up the stairs with Megumi hot behind her trail.

"Y/N!" Megumi sprinted up the last few steps and caught up to her. Y/N made it into her door but Megumi pushed her door open to stop her. She backed away as he entered.

Megumi had his eyes singled on her. He's panting and Y/N continued to back away. She can't believe she kissed him. She shouldn't have kissed him again.

"Why'd you kiss me?" He asks.

"To get back at you."

"No that's bullshit, you had a reason. You wouldn't just kiss me after calling me an asshole yesterday."

Y/N hit her bed, falling to sit. Megumi closed in on her, inhaling the scent of coffee and rose oil. Megumi stopped at the foot of the bed, looking down at her.

"Why'd you kiss me?"

Y/N glared at him. "The same reason you kissed me." She whispers. Megumi leaned down, both arms closing in on either side. Her bed is soft and it's cold. She swallows, keeping her stare on him.

"So you wanted to kiss me?" He asks quietly. "Hm?" Y/N gripped her sheets and pressed her thighs together, something Megumi noticed. Y/N turned her face away from his.

"Not a chance asshole."

Megumi's lips brushed her ear and her body erupted with heat. She hates how she's crushing hard on him. His eyes, his scent, his fingers, his voice. It all made her wet. She hated it.

"What happened?" He asks. No answer. Megumi couldn't help himself. He had to kiss her. Just one more time. He planted a kiss on her neck. Y/N shook her head and shoved him back.

"Get the hell out of my room!" She screams. Megumi balled his fists. "Now get out!" She stood up and pushed him back. "Get the hell out!"

Megumi didn't say anything, he let her push him away. He allowed her cry those tears of frustration and anger.

"I want nothing to do with you Megumi. So leave me alone." Y/N slammed her door in his face and locked it. Megumi stared blankly at her door. His tongue tingled, the tips of his fingers twitched. She likes him, but she's too filled with pride to admit that.

But something happened. Something happened with Bunny. Megumi turned around and made his way down the steps. He was no longer hard at least, but he was writhed with anger.

Megumi called Nobara. Y/N was just a few paces behind the girl and she looked like she knew something telling how she didn't overreact to Y/N kissing him.

Nobara picked up shortly. "Hello?" She sounds annoyed.

"What happened?"

She sighs. "Bunny slapped her and kicked her in her stomach. She was about to fight Y/N for no reason. Unless there was a reason, but hey...you are Megumi Fushiguro, the rich quiet kid that gets everything."

He didn't like Nobara's sarcasm at the end. "But you like her. Y/N's a good girl unlike Bunny. I told her if she were to touch Y/N again I'll kick her ass. So it's all good for now."

Megumi stopped at the fourth floor and sighed. He rest against the wall and pinched the corners of his eyes. "I think she likes me but doesn't want me to get near her."

"You literally still have hickeys on your neck and not to mention the video still zooming around the internet. I'd do the same." She admits lowly.

"Megumi took a seat on the step and removed the phone from his ear. He tapped the corner of it against his forehead and heaved another frustrated sigh before pressing the phone back to his ear.

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