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The day is the big day, and Y/N is stressing. She had to call her mother before it, even if she called her last night to express how nervous she was.

"I know, Mama. Just pray for me, please. My first grade can not be an F."

"I believe in you, baby, don't worry."

She wasn't sure that helped, but she clung to her mother's words. It's all or nothing with this. She must not embarrass herself with this. Y/N exhaled sharply and felt her throat closed up at the sight of the courthouse building.

"Graci mama. Love you."

"Love, you too, sweety."

Y/N hung up and wiped her sweaty palms onto her dress. She dressed for the occasion. Flats, a black dress that comes with a mini jacket, light makeup, and she chose to go for curls today.

Y/N slipped into the room, and already a few people were there. "Woah, look who's dressed for the occasion." Mr. Satoru says with a grin. Y/N looked at him and smiled faintly.

"You really think so?" She knows so. She wanted to get into character. Now that she's thinking about it. It may have been ridiculous.

"Yeah, it's good to feel comfortable and relaxed before the big argument. Always treat this place like it's an actual court."

Y/N nodded and placed her bag onto the right side of the courtroom replica and exhaled. She has her argument ready. Now, all she has to do is execute it perfectly. However, there was a problem for Y/N... she has no idea what Nobara's improv is going to be.

Y/N took a seat and waited for the rest of the students. Little by little, they began to pour in. Y/N counted the heads as they came in, and she was astonished to have only counted sixty people. She thought there were about a hundred students or more attending the class, but she was wrong.

Then, Yuji stepped in and then Nobara, wearing a plain shirt and pants, and then Megumi, dressed in a full suit. The young man caught her gaze and took a seat on the left side of the room. Y/N could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins now.

"All rise." Everyone stood up as Professor Gojo played the judge. He took a glance around the room for a quiet minute before taking a seat.

"You may be seated."

Everyone sat. Y/N looked over to Nobara, who was sitting on the stand, waiting.

"Ms.L/N, heads or tails?" Y/N snapped her eyes to Gojo and answered.

"Um, tails?"

"Okay." He flipped a coin, caught it, and slapped it on the back of his wrist. "Heads. Mr.Fushiguro will start us. Also, I forgot to add a key detail to this, thanks to Mr.Fushiguro for bringing it to my attention yesterday. Yuji, you will be playing the father who's also being claimed for murder. It's now up to the both of you to keep your client from going to prison and send the other to jail."  He explains.

Megumi stood to his feet and pulled at his suit as Yuji made his way to the front in excitement.

"Good afternoon everybody, my name is Megumi Fushiguro, and I am the prosecutor of this case. It is said that my client, Itadori Yuji, the father of Imoki Yuji, is the one responsible for his child's death instead of the mother, Nobara Kugisaki." He begins.

"I am here to prove to you all that my client is absolutely innocent and will never put harm to his only child or yet alone kill, his only child."

Y/N was already in awe. It was like watching a movie or reading from a book. Megumi looked confident and sharp.

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