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Tomorrow is the deadline and still Megumi's group is yet to align and have their final argument. Megumi set his bag onto the first row of chairs and turned to Gojo.

The man was eating candy as he wrote on the wide blackboard. Megumi crossed his leg over the other as well as his arms. He stared at Gojo as he still wrote in perfect cursive. Megumi swears Gojo wrote on quail growing up. He's not a prodigy for fun.

"What do you want Fushiguro?" Gojo asks. Megumi didn't need to ask him how he knew that it was him and not someone else.

"Extend the deadline."

"Nope." He says popping the P. "You may be my top student but I do not have favorites. Also, it's my lunch period. This is to only clear my head." He explains, still writing.

"I...look, I messed up. I...did something I shouldn't have and Nobara isn't speaking to me, Itadori seems like he doesn't care that much about the grade and Y/N-

"Was here ten minutes ago complaining about the same thing." Gojo sighed and set his marker down. He spun around, gazing at Megumi who seems to be frowning.

He knew by the look in the boy's features that he was bothered. Y/N having said practically the same thing, "Nobara wasn't there, Itadori doesn't seem to care and Megumi is an asshole. Just switch me to another group, please", was more pleading.

"Hm." Gojo hums. He leaned against his desk, mimicking Megumi's posture. "What did you do?"

Megumi looked down, his lip twisting. He liked kissing her and he felt like crap after she stormed out. It was stupid. He shouldn't have kissed her, but he was sure she wanted to kiss him too.

She didn't push him away until the last second.

Megumi didn't answer. "Wow. I really am proud of you." Gojo says gaining the boy's attention. Megumi scrunched his brows. "You're expressing yourself more, something you rarely do."

"I was drunk once."

Gojo chuckled and shook his head. "I'm still not changing the date. I'm all for wanting to see how this unfolds now."

"You're such a pain in the ass." Megumi grumbles a groan. Gojo enjoyed seeing the young man bothered. But like he always says:

"You're smart, you'll figure it out. Think of it as your own case." Gojo winked at the boy and went back to enjoying his made up synopsis on the board.

Y/N, after leaving her complaint to Gojo, went to find Itadori. He's also at fault for what happened. Not to mention Megumi left a hickey on her neck. If they would just work as a group like they're supposed to then none of this would have happened.

Y/N checked half the school for Itadori and was getting annoyed when she couldn't locate the young man. What surprised her even more is how she didn't see Nobara either. It was like they were avoiding her.

She wouldn't be surprised if they are. More so Nobara, Itadori doesn't seem to mind her presence. She then stops, shaking her head. This entire time she's been walking around getting sweaty when she has his number.

Y/N took her phone from her pocket and called him, making her way into the cafeteria. She noticed how semi-empty it was. However, Nobara neither Itadori was there. She did see Maki and the others though, sitting at a table laughing and eating.

Y/N's eyes continued to linger and she came eye to eye with her. The girl from the staircase, the same girl Megumi always have problems with. Bunny.

Bunny, upon seeing Y/N turned to her friends and motioned towards Y/N. The three girls looked at Y/N and Y/N shuffled her way to the girls bathroom.

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