Chapter 2

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Ezra's irises glowed. He closed his eyes tightly, a growl rumbling in his chest. "No. You're hurt. You've been kidnapped and -"

I kissed him, grabbing his face between my hands. "Shut up," I said. "I'm fine. My injuries are all healed. My neck no longer hurts. I'm fine."

Ezra groaned and kissed me back. I hugged him tightly, desperately, wishing I could just melt into him. His arms came around me and he bent his head to my neck.

Someone knocked at the door.

It took a moment for my brain to catch up to my ears. When I did, my eyes widened. I had to pull at Ezra's hair to get him to pay attention.

"Ezra!" I hissed. "Someone is at the door."

Ezra cursed and pulled back, blinking hard. He glared at the door so viciously it was a wonder the slab of wood didn't explode into splinters.

"I'm going to kill them," he grumbled and stalked to the door. "This better be important."

Catching my breath, I put my hands on my hot cheeks. Oh my. My blood felt like it was sizzling, and my magic whirred like a drunk dancer. I was a mess and we hadn't even done anything yet.

I adjusted my clothes as Ezra opened the door. He blocked the view, but I could hear the conversation. "What?" He growled.

"Dude, this place reeks," Sam said, fake gagging.

I covered my face. Ugh. This was mortifying. It just had to be Sam.

"You were blocking everyone," Zach said. Ezra just growled louder. "Don't kill the messenger, bro. Your dad sent us."

"Fine," Ezra bit out. "We're coming."

Sam snickered. "Oh, I'm sure you were about to."

Oh.My.God. Steam must be coming out of my ears. There was a thud and a groan. What was that? Then the door closed with a bang.

"I'm going to kill that vampire," Ezra rumbled.

"Can I not go?" I asked in a whine. I had never before been this embarrassed.

Ezra's thunderous expression lightened. He came over and pulled me to my feet, hugging me to him. "I love you. Don't worry about those assholes. They're going to act as if they didn't smell anything."

"How do you know?" I asked. "Maybe Zach. But Sam..."

Yeah. No. That vampire would never miss a chance to tease somebody, especially me and Ezra.

"He better shut up if he doesn't want another bruised rib."

So that was the noise I heard.

Ezra and I made our way to the pack house. Outside, I glanced back at our house. Our house. It was surreal that I now had a home. A place I could call my own. With every bad thing going on, it was difficult to remember all the good things I now had in my life. Friends. Family. Home.

"What are you thinking?" Ezra asked, squeezing my hand.

I looked up at him in a smile. "Just how lucky I am. How grateful I should be."

He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. "So am I, baby. So am I."

Grass crunched under our feet. My eyes grew accustomed to the darkness quickly. It seemed like the longer I spent here, the sharper my senses grew.

"You should talk to Vlad," Ezra said after a beat of silence.

I sighed. There were countless questions raging a storm in my mind, and Vlad held the answers to most of them.

His Miracle Mate: Rise of the Moon ChildrenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon