Chapter 13

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Ezra's POV

I groaned as my back hit a tree. The trunk cracked and bent. Quickly jumping to my paws, I took in the scene playing before my eyes.

An enormous gust of power had blasted from Orla's body, sending all of us flying to different directions. Olin and I had been affected the most since we'd been the closest. Orla's father crashed against the porch steps while I was thrown away toward the trees.

Orton, Vanessa and Vlad were less affected. Vanessa was helping Olin up while I rushed over to Orla. But I couldn't get close enough. The amount of power radiating off of her was just... otherworldly.

My breath caught when I looked at her. She was glowing. Literally. Her hair flowed around her to an invisible wind.

Even thrumming with power, the bond felt so peaceful. Whatever was happening wasn't hurting her.

I trotted back to the tree where I put my clothes and shifted, put on my pants and rushed over.

"What the hell is happening?" Vlad said, staring at Orla in mixed awe and concern.

There was something unique about her smell and aura right now. All the power that had been stuck inside had finally exploded, and it was overwhelming, even to me.

The wind suddenly picked up. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and tried taking another step forward. It was like the air had turned viscous all around her. Every step felt heavy.

Wind whipped my hair around, wheezing through the trees. Then the ground started shaking. The water in the lake sloshed around, turning dark as heavy clouds gathered in the sky. Small animals skittered away, rustling through the quaking trees.

Orla's end of the bond flashed hot for a split second. A spot in the middle of her forehead glowed a brighter white. She gasped in, as if breathing for the first time after being underwater.

Then all the power was sucked into her, a whirlpool of energy of which she was the center.

She toppled over. The resistance around her disappeared, and I made it to her before her body hit the ground.

Her body was warm to the touch, and her skin still emanated a soft glow. "Orla?!"

I adjusted her in my arms so I could look at her. My hand cupped her cheek. Her erratic breathing slowly evened out, reflecting the state of chaos around us that had began to calm down.

The wind softened and the ground stopped shaking, even the clouds in the sky were gradually dispersing, revealing the warm morning sun.

I heaved a deep sigh of relief when my ears picked up Orla's steady heart rate.

She was just asleep. I closed my eyes for a second to calm down, burying my face in her hair. She was fine. Just asleep.

"Is she okay?" Olin asked.

I glanced up. He looked unharmed. As did the rest of them. Good. Orla would've blamed herself if they'd gotten hurt.

Vanessa knelt beside us, her hand brushing Orla's cheek. "Let's take her inside."

Olin looked like he wanted to hold her, but wisely decided against it and stepped back. A good decision, considering my wolf was an inch away from bursting out.

I lost count of how many times Orla had lost consciousness in the brief time I've known her. She'd just been through so much already. When would she get a damn break?

We went back to the cabin, and Orla's skin slowly lost its white glow. Still, the light looked like it lurked right underneath her skin. She looked so damn beautiful.

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