Chapter 23

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Long chapter ahead! Beware!

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Blake, Orton and I walked down the dimly lit hallway, Jason striding in front of us, and another werewolf guard flanking us. Our steps echoed as we moved past the closed gray doors of the classrooms. A light bulb flickered down the hallway, bathing the white walls in a brief flicker of shadows.

Next to me, Blake suddenly stopped, a notch between his eyebrows. Jason halted and glanced back at us.

I questioned Blake with a look. "What's wrong?"

He looked up and down the hallway, shoving his hair out of his eyes. "I don't know. My wolf feels on edge."

Jason narrowed his eyes. He nodded at the guard behind us, and they started pushing the doors nearby open.

"Maybe it's just the creepy atmosphere," Orton said, stepping closer to me.

"Maybe. I mean an empty hallway in a deserted school building?" Blake mumbled. "The stuff of horror movies."

Jason stepped out of a classroom nearby and ushered us forward. I almost jumped when he spoke. He very rarely did.

"Werewolf instincts are very keen," he said, pushing doors open as we walked forward. "And less dominant wolves are more sensitive to threats, so we never take their warnings for granted."

As if to prove Jason's statement, a door creaked open down the hallway. We stopped dead. Jason crouched in front of us, his back tense under the green t-shirt.

Brandon stepped out of the classroom, a backpack slung on his shoulder.

Jason straightened, but his body didn't relax. Brandon spotted us and froze. Blinking for several seconds, his eyes glowed. My fingers tightened around the strap of my bag.

Then he bowed at us, turned and strode down the hallway, his steps barely disturbing the quiet.

"I'm never going to like that guy," Blake grumbled as Jason checked the classroom where Brandon had been. He shook his head when he came out.

"He could've been studying. Tests are coming up and more students stay behind to study," Jason said, but his eyes were narrowed where Brandon had disappeared around the corner.

I didn't like Brandon much either.

He hadn't really done anything to deserve it, I guess. He had only been doing his duty when he informed those idiots I was the human they were looking for.

Still, I couldn't deny that he triggered unpleasant feelings and memories. A shiver ran down my spine. I tucked my hands in my pockets and lowered my nose to Ezra's hoodie.

Ezra stirred through the bond. "You okay?"

"Yeah. We're coming out," I said as we rounded the corner and the doors came into view, the glass splintering sunset colors all over the walls, banishing the weight of dark memories.

Outside, the cold air was a welcome reprieve from the stifling interior. We crossed the quad, where very few people lingered, and stood on the edge of the road, waiting for Ezra to pick us up.

I happened to glance back. Emma and Delaney walked out of our building, giggling together. They saw me, and Delaney waved enthusiastically, her grin dazzling even from the distance.

I guess Jason was right. Students did stay behind to study. I waved back, glad I was making more acquaintances.

A black van screeched to a halt in front of us. Ezra hopped out of the passenger seat, rounded the car and squeezed me to him. My feet left the ground. Smiling, I inhaled his scent. The day's exhaustion vanishing in a single hug. He pulled back and kissed me.

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