Chapter 12

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"Oh, Gosh! He's huge!"

I chuckled. Vanessa's eyes bugged out when Ezra's wolf walked out of the forest's shelter.

It was the following morning. I'd made him go for a run after breakfast. He definitely needed it. And there was no telling when he'd be able to run so freely like this again once we got back home.

"His wolf is bigger than regular wolves," I said, trailing Ezra with my eyes. Black fur glistened under the sun, muscles rippling underneath it.

He slowed his pace when he approached. His eyes assessing Vanessa, who sat next to me on the porch steps. Vanessa held out her palm. Ezra sniffed it then nudged her with his nose. Vanessa's smile brightened, her dimples popping out, and she rubbed his head.

"So adorable," Vanessa said. Ezra growled low. Vanessa and I laughed. "I guess he doesn't like being called adorable."

"He looks grumpy. But he's a cuddly teddy bear on the inside," I said, joining into Vanessa' teasing.

Ezra snapped his teeth an inch from my knee. I squealed and swatted his head aside. He huffed and sat down, his head on my lap.

"Like mother like daughter," he linked me.

I glanced at Vanessa. My mother. It would take me some time to associate her face to the word in my mind, instead of my adoptive mother's.

A soft breeze blew, rustling the trees and rippling the surface of the lake. It felt so peaceful here.

"So you really have never met any other supernaturals?" I asked Vanessa.

"We never interacted with them. Well, except for Vlad that is."

"How did you meet Vlad?" I asked.

Vanessa chuckled. She leaned back and looked skyward. "It's funny, actually. I met Vlad before I met your father."

"Really?" That was surprising. Ezra raised his head, as interested in the conversation as I was.

"Yes. I worked for Vlad for a while before I met Olin. Of course, I had no idea he was a vampire then. He was just my boss."

"And how did you meet Olin?" I asked.

Vanessa looked at me and grinned. "A grocery store."

I chuckled. That was very unexpected.

"I kept bumping into him," Vanessa continued, "although I had a feeling he was stalking me at some point."

I snickered. "Stalking?"

"Of course, he recognized me as his mate the very first time we met. He didn't act on it, though. We made small talk while doing our groceries. And it became a ritual for us. That is until..." Her eyes darkened under the weight of memories. "One night, I was attacked by vampires."

Ezra growled. My own vampire attack flashed in my head, the night of the bonfire. Vanessa reached over and patted Ezra's head.

"Olin arrived just in time. I was hurt pretty badly. I lost too much blood. But I was alive. I was also in shock for a few days after the incident. Olin didn't leave me." She smiled fondly. "He stayed in my place for days, taking care of me and answering my questions. Imagine my shock when I discovered that an entire supernatural world exists."

I nodded. I could certainly understand her shock. I guess my mother and I had more in common than I thought.

"That's when Vlad and Olin met. I was very close to Vlad. When I didn't show up to work for the fourth day on a row, he decided to drop by and see how I was doing."

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