Chapter 18

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Sam's POV

"You better sleep with one eye open, Sam."

Little Red's voice echoed in my head, her presence a supernova that seemed to have exploded in a matter of weeks. She had grown so powerful, yet she didn't even seem aware of it.

I chuckled, making my way through the pack village. "You're on, Little Red. You're on."

There was certainly more activity than usual around the pack. It was easy to guess the reason.

Other than the rumors about Orla being a moon child, their arrival today had made a considerable shift in the magic system in the area. Only the old and the powerful would realize it was due to the presence of powerful supernaturals. But even those who didn't know the reason would sense the sharp spike of magic in the air.

Several young pack wolves aggregated near the pack house, whispering furiously among themselves. Oooh, juicy gossip. I bet I knew exactly what they were talking about.

They must have smelled me because they all glanced over as one. I strolled along, heading their way. I'd spent a considerable amount of time in this pack. Years. Decades. I couldn't really remember exactly. When you've lived for hundreds of years, the concept of time becomes subjective, and keeping track of it becomes tedious.

But given how much time I'd spent here, I knew most of the pack members since they were young. I spotted Donny, a young werewolf who loved gossip with the intensity of a thousand suns and spread it with just as much enthusiasm. Hmm. I guess he would do.

All conversation ceased when I joined them. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. What got you all so excited on this fine day?"

They exchanged glances. No doubt linking. Then one of them looked at me, cleared her throat, and asked, "hey, Sam."

"Hey, Selena."

She smiled and lowered her voice, "is it true? You know, about Orla..."

"About Orla...?"

She bit her lip. Gossip would spread whether we wanted to or not. So the best way to control the situation is to control the direction in which the gossip goes. I leaned forward and wiped the smile off my face. "Alright, listen up. You'll find out soon enough, but the rumors are true." I added, "you'll be meeting them very soon."


"Oops," I winced. "Well, you don't think Orla had just grown out of a seed, do you? She has parents. A family."

"So there are more of them? Moon children?" Donny asked.

"Yep. And let me tell you, they are powerful."

Eyes widened, sparkling with curiosity and wonder and fear. Hmm. Let's put more wonder and less fear in there.

"But you know what this means, right?" I said. "The werewolves' future queen is going to be a powerful moon child. A creature with so much power it'll blow your mind away. This will make anyone think twice before even thinking of messing with the wolves. You guys will be at the top of the food chain."

Fear receded and excitement slowly filled its place. "She's that powerful?"

"Yep, and she made Ezra even stronger."

"Stronger? How is that possible? Ezra is already on another level-" Selena said.

They all froze as one. Their eyes glazed over. Must be a collective link. After a minute, they blinked.

"Was that the king?" I asked.

Donny nodded. "A pack meeting at sunset."

I winked. "I guess you'll get to see them for yourselves."

His Miracle Mate: Rise of the Moon ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now