~*Chapter 5*~

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(the only time you're getting a warning for mature content. just this once)

Before I tell her to sleep she asks me if she could change. I said yes, since it would probably be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans. She surprisingly asks for one of my hoodies and when she puts it on. I know that I've lost all control over my feelings. My black hoodie slides past her waist, ending a few inches above her knees, just enough to cover the fact that she's only in undergarments and my hoodie.

 As soon as I tell her to sleep, I get a call from Noah, Asking where Zora is. I tell him to bring Max and come to our dorm room. She squirms and grips my shirt, I pull her in and kiss her forehead, telling here that I'm here and that she's fine and I won't let anyone touch her. She nuzzles her head into my chest.

She's been here for two days, two fucking days and she's changed me so much, it's fucking scary

The door handle jiggles with an unmistakable urgency, causing me to instinctively draw her even closer. However, relief washes over me as Noah and Max burst in, their familiar presence filling the room with an air of camaraderie and spirited energy.

"I have-" Noah starts to announce but Max slaps his hand over Noah's mouth
"She's sleeping, you asshole" Max says and Noah apologises
"She needs to eat" Max says and I nod
"Should I get something for her from the cafeteria?" I ask but both of them quickly shake their heads.
"Don't , she's comfortable with you, let her rest, I'll go get something for her to eat" Noah says and turns to walk towards the door but disrupted by a knock. He opens the door and I could see him visibly tense to see the person on the other side of the door

"What?" He asks, his voice, cold and stern.
"Is Zora okay?" I hear Alex ask but Noah is swift to answer
"It's none of your fucking business, now leave. He says and attempts to close the door but Alex puts his hand in.
"Look, I just need to talk to her, I wanna apologise for what I did a while ago" Alex says
"How long is a while ago?" Noah asks
" Four years?" Alex asks 
"Fuck off, man" Noah says
"Please, I just need to talk to her then, you, Aiden, or Max, whatever can keep her-"
"She's not a fucking object to be 'kept' okay? fix your tone, your language and think of you so called fucking apology before coming, because I swear, If she sheds a single tear or gets upset I will kill you, and this time, I will not fucking fail"

Me and Max know how serious Noah is about this, Noah never swears, and by never. I mean never. He hates swearing. He will call you a racoon but not an asshole or a flying, blizzardic bambaric oompa loompa instead of a bastard . But he will. Most sensible people know that if Noah ever starts swearing that they should either back the fuck up or have their grave dug early.

"Please man, let me talk to her" He practically begs
" She's sleeping, come back later" Noah says and shuts the door.
" Well that spoiled my mood" Noah said and sighed before lying down on Zora's bed.
"I'll get her some food " Max says and gets up
" I swear, If he comes back before eight o clock, I will kill him " Noah says and waves Max off.

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