~*Chapter 11*~

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She did not just fucking say that to me

I'm not looking out for her just because she's a black.

I'm looking out for her because I actually care for her

I care for her too much

I'm hurt.

Yes. The school's fuck boy who has girls lined up to be his next fuck is hurt.

I watch her as she walks away into the girls bathroom, tears still spilling down her cheeks.

I can't see her like this.

I turn around and walk towards the gym, trying to stop myself from punching a wall. 

Breath, Aiden. Breath.

She didn't mean what she said. Calm the fuck down.

She was in a state of shock and anger and fear and sadness and-

Fucking hell. 

By the time I've reached the gym I've calmed down a bit (not).

I see Max and Noah talking in a corner and I walk over to them, ignoring the girls that call out my name in a high pitched sound that could puncher a dog's eardrum.

"Yoo man" Noah starts
"What's up with you?" Max asks

"She said I only care for her because she's a black like me" I say and Max freezes and Noah hisses

"Fuck. That's messed up, man"
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock" Max retorts and Noah scowls at him

"Not the time for both of your bickering I need help. Like now.  She was fine this morning. She took the aspirin I left for her, she even fucking made my bed for me. Man What the fuck, now she doesn't even want to look at me" I rant as I start pacing around. 

"Aiden. Listen to me. This is good" Max says and I feel my some of my teeth retract into my gums because of how hard I'm clenching my jaw

"The fuck did you just say?"

"Your dad will kill you if he finds out that you're not working and you're thinking about a girl. Her backing away is easier than you backing away" He explains

"Okay. A- He's not my dad. B- I fuck so many girls and he doesn't give a shit. Why the fuck would he care now?" I say and Max sighs

"You need to get fucked" Noah says and both Max and I stare at him, shocked
"Get your old life back. Fight, Drink and hook up with some chick on campus. It'll make it easier to get back to your routine"

"I don't have a fucking routine. She's been here for five days. Not even a week and she's already driving me insane." I say, not stopping my pacing

"That's what I'm saying, or what we both are saying. You usually fight, get drunk and fuck. In that order. Get back into that and it'll be easier to not pay attention to her."

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