~*Chapter 13*~

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"You can't actually be fucking serious" I say as Noah and Max walk into Crab's office a few seconds after he sits Aiden and I down

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"You can't actually be fucking serious" I say as Noah and Max walk into Crab's office a few seconds after he sits Aiden and I down.

"About..?" He indicates that my sentence needs to be completed and I roll my eyes at him. The bastard knows exactly what I mean.

"You can't actually know all three of them"

"I do know all three of them, Aiden especially well" He replies and I groan

"I have a feeling you're up to something. And I WILL find out" I say, no, I threaten and he chuckles. 

The bastard has the nerve to chuckle!

"I know you will, Zora. I know you will"


We all stared at the chaos outside. Lightning hit the earth again and again, slicing through the sky. Thunder roared loud enough to stop your heart in gut-wrenching terror. Each individual raindrop hit the ground like it had insulted its mother.

In short, all needed to complete the picture was fucking King Lear screeching "Crack your cheeks"

Seb smiles smugly and says said,"See,  Aiden? There really isn't any way you can go back to Irvine in this weather."

Aiden growls quietly. "Really, sir, we can find a motel or something to stay at. You don't need to stress and go out of your way to-"

What is the asshole's fucking problem?

I scoff as he rambles on and cut him off
"Aiden, are you fucking insane? Crab is offering us a place to stay and you are saying no to a heater and air conditioning? Even worse, you're putting that off to stay at a shitty fucking motel? I honestly don't give a fuck, there is no way I am leaving in this weather." I look at Aiden who has a pleading look on his face.

"What you think he'll put scorpion's in our beds or something? I did that to him when I was ten and he's already gotten me back for it, Calm your pretty ass down"

Aiden looked like he did think that Crab would put scorpions and more in our beds and continued to send me a pleading look.

I'm standing my fucking ground here

 Seb,- well the Seb I know- maintained high fucking standards of living and is  filthy fucking rich. From what I remember, from the last time I saw one of his safe-houses, there were lemon-soaked hot towels and jasmine-scented sheets.

 Aiden would have to get a war tank if he wanted me to stay at some damp over priced motel with a leaky ceiling in this weather.

" Aiden, I agree with Zora and Boss. Going out in this weather is literally asking for a death wish. Staying at a motel when Boss is letting us stay here is stupid. And another bonus: we can plan better here." Noah says.

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