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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 6

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The Small Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom Exchange for Wine 13

-part volume reading 6

If you dont waste money, you usually choose medium-level jade raw materials. Jade materials of this level can usually only be purchased for 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, the size of an apple, which are large and cheap, and are basically scraps.

The first five pieces of materials that Ye Qingrang bought cost more than 300,000 yuan, but they were only enough for him to practice for half a month. He had no choice but to pick some more profitable ones and sell them on the spot, and the money he recovered continued. Now a month and a half has passed. In addition to what he used for himself, he has successively opened six pieces of jade material, with a combined value of more than one million.

Today is the day when I have to pick out jade materials.

Ye Qingrang tried his best to go to new stone gambling places, but after he stayed here for a month and a half, there were only a few old stone gambling places, and the people who hung out here were all smart people. Although Ye Qingrang was not the best, He's rich, but he can be considered special. I'm afraid many people have noticed him.

Entering the stone gambling den, a lean old man in his early 60s came up to him with a smile: "Mr. Ye is here again, this time I will take you to pick stones!"

Ye Qingrang stepped into this place for the first time, and at first sight, he For example, it is the first time for people who come to this kind of place and dont have a lot of money on hand, so no one will take care of them. People who receive customers in the stone betting field and successfully trade will also get a small commission. People with a little experience in appraisal will naturally be more likely to do so. Big bosses who are willing to receive wealthy tourists or who come here specifically to buy jade will tip the receptionist if they can make some suggestions and try their luck to get good materials.

For example, the old man who received Ye Qingrang, who was still smiling at the stone gambling den at this age, may not be having a good time at home. Ye Qingrang smiled politely: "I will have good luck every time I follow you."

The old man said He smiled and said: "Mr. Ye is so polite. It seems that I won't leave empty-handed today!"

Ye Qingrang bought a piece of jade worth nearly 300,000 yuan a while ago, which is enough for him to buy two pieces of jade that are full of spiritual energy but bulky today. A small jade stone can be used for a week of practice.

Ye Qingrang followed the old man to the woolen area where he used to choose. The wool materials in this area are considered to be below average in the stone gambling field. Firstly, the size is not large, and secondly, the appearance is not promising. Moreover, even if good materials are obtained at this size, it is impossible to make a complete set of jade pieces, so the value Not particularly high.

In the low-grade stone area, there are all kinds of strange-shaped stones, and the quantity is huge. There may be top-quality jade that has slipped through the net, but Ye Qingrang has no energy to waste time and spiritual energy to choose.

Ye Qingrang concentrated his spiritual power on his palms and stroked the stones one by one, carefully feeling the fluctuations of spiritual energy in them. He could sense three out of ten stones, but the quality was too poor. Suddenly, his hands felt hot, and Ye Qingrang felt a rush in his heart. Hi, he seemed to be casually turning over the watermelon-sized stone to examine it, but in fact he was urging his spiritual power to explore deeply.

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