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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading in Volumes 164

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The Little Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

-part volume reading 164

Mu was buried together, but now, there is not even a trace of their relatives and friends missing them, not to mention that these crystal nuclei were collected as trophies, and their destination has long been known arrange.

These matters are not for He Chengshuang and others to worry about. He is discussing the way forward with Ye Qingrang.

"I still plan to go home first."

Hua Hanzhang raised her hand in agreement: "I also miss Aunt Shen's craftsmanship. It's been more than half a year since she came out. She must miss us." "

You want to follow us again . Together?" He Chengshuang was very dissatisfied.

"What happened together?"

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Ye Qingrang interrupted and asked, "Won't Hua Mingrui urge you to go back?"

"Of course he thought about it, but I was not happy about it. He was hunted down last year. He seems to have found out some clues. He hopes that I will remember this hatred and fly back to fight with them early!" "

Then you don't want to deal with the people who almost killed you in the past?"

"Hua Mingrui asked me the same thing. , he thought I was stupid. Why did those people arrest me? It was not because of him. Now these people dont pose much of a threat to me, so I dont want to get sucked into deeper water!" The

other three people were helpless. It was easy to say that Hua Hanzhang complained for a while and then said seriously: "He and I... have a weak relationship as father and son. We really can't force it. It would be too sad if we were tied together for some fame and fortune. I know that he has treated me in recent years. It's a little more sincere, but unfortunately I don't have this intention anymore. I won't mention the past things. Now just treat me as if I don't know what to do."

"We don't mean that either," Ye Qingrang said again, " It's just that we have made up our minds to open the five gates and never meet others in heaven or earth again. There will be no room for regret." After

saying this, Hua Hanzhang fell silent, lowered his eyebrows for a long time, and then said: "It seems that Shen I have to reschedule my aunt's meal. I calculated that it will take less than two years for me to turn into a baby... I will go back and do my best to help him fight with those monsters and monsters. It's time for me to repay the Hua family for twenty years of nurturing me!"

Two flowers bloomed, one on each side. Shen Mei learned that her son was going home, so she cleaned up the room early and prepared meals. Ye Qingrang originally wanted to take Xiaonan with him. , but Xiaonan still has to take care of the inconvenience of her grandfather leaving. Fortunately, she is an extremely self-disciplined person and will not slack off in her studies.

The Battle of Shangluo was known to the whole country, and Shen Mei naturally heard about it every day, but she didn't know at first that Ye Qingrang and He Chengshuang were involved in it, and that they were still the main force in the battle. It wasn't until four people and a leopard teamed up to kill the big monster, and the beasts were defeated, that the news After spreading like wildfire, Shen Meicai felt mixed emotions, but she was more proud of the military achievements of a few people, as a man should do in this world.

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