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The Little Fortune of the Last Days - Read 103 in Separate Volumes

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The Little Qiankun of the Last Days Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13 Reading

in Volumes 103

I'm really not worth it for him!

Hua Hanzhang said angrily: "Where do I calculate him? Yes, it was true that he got hurt because of me, but I didn't mean to, I... If I didn't like him, I wouldn't have said that!

"Okay, I also believe that you have a heart, but unfortunately your thoughts are too many and too mixed, Brother Jiang is a very pure person, but what about you? The life you want is completely different from what he wants, and if the two of you are together, he will always be the one who pays! In fact, you also know in your heart, so you can't make up your mind, and you don't dare to think about the future of this relationship, but I can! I am willing to pay and sacrifice for Brother Jiang, I am willing to be in the same boat with him, my parents will also like him, I don't have any worries. But let me ask you, if your family doesn't approve of Brother Jiang, what are you going to do?

Her words hit the knot in Hua Hanzhang's heart that she couldn't untie for a long time, and her words inevitably flickered: "It's not uncommon for me to go back to that home, the world is so big, where can I go?" It's useless if they don't agree.

Ju Yun heard the lack of confidence in his words, and said with a smile: "Don't change your concept, you don't want to go home, can you still be surnamed Hua?" Or are you going to live in hiding for the rest of your life? This will only bring pain to the two of you, maybe you still think it's a pleasure in the pain when you are in love for a while, but what about the long run? Will you not be able to resist the temptation to betray Brother Jiang? Will he suddenly repent and abandon him? Actually, I'm not interested in understanding your thoughts at all, but as soon as I think that Brother Jiang will be heartbroken by you one day, I can't sit idly by, I'm willing to fight for it now!

Ju Yun exposed all the uncertainty in Hua Hanzhang's heart, his hand holding the railing tightened more and more, and his muscles were violent, he even felt that Ju Yun was right, even if he had already been foolish to Jiang Ruo. Just like Ju Yun said, maybe he will hurt Jiang Ruoyu again one day in the future, whether it is out of his will or not, it is better to let him go now! Let him go and live a peaceful life with an ordinary beautiful woman...

Hua Hanzhang's breathing gradually became short, and Jiang Ruoyu's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Hanzhang, since you are so hesitant, I don't want you to be embarrassed, when I send you to Beijing, I will go back to Zhejiang to find Xiaoyun, if you can see you again in the future, just follow fate."

A look of surprise flashed on Ju Yun's face, and he grabbed Jiang Ruoyu's sturdy arm and smiled: "Brother Jiang, let's go in and let him calm down on the balcony for a while."

Hua Hanzhang grabbed Jiang Ruoyu's other hand, and was furious: "Who agrees with you to make a decision?" I'll tell you Jiang Ruoyu! I'm not afraid of anything but you die in front of me! Do you dare to go and try?

Jiang Ruoyu pushed him away, Hua Hanzhang's back hit the guardrail, and he broke out in a cold sweat, and when he looked again, where was

Jiang Ruoyu in front of him, but Ju Yun rubbed his wrist, his face was puzzled, and he didn't know what he was doing to suddenly arrest people.

Hua Hanzhang straightened up suddenly, first laughed lowly, and finally laughed loudly, wiped the water marks at the corners of his eyes, straightened his damp hair, and turned into the radiant little master again, and said to Ju Yun: "You keep telling me not to change my concept, but I do it myself, you want to be with Jiang Ruoyu, did he agree?" He just wants to be by my side, it's useless for you to say it, since you say that you are too lazy to take care of my affairs, and you can't take care of his affairs, then you don't interfere anymore, I tell you this, as long as Jiang Ruoyu likes me for a day, I can strengthen my heart for a day, if he likes me for a lifetime, I will give him a firm life! If he dares to dislike me, hmph, I'll want him to die before he goes to be merry!

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