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The Little Thing in the Last Days - Read in Separate Volumes, 89

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The Little Qiankun of the Last Days Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

Divided Volume Reading 89

into a faction, gathered at a distance from the boss, Director Deng's group of people is very neat, and even the height difference between twenty people is between centimeters, uniformly dressed, and well-equipped.

He Chengshuang's side is relatively weak, just the scattered arrangement of fifteen people can't be compared with the professional team, and some of them are meeting for the first time today, and there is no tacit understanding between each other. But these people should have also heard of He Chengshuang's extraordinary strength, and his face was quite respectful, and no one showed an arrogant and arrogant attitude.

He Chengshuang raised his eyes and looked into the distance, the smoke was shining, the mountains and mountains were stacked, the mountains and rivers depended on each other, and there was no end in sight. The two teams abandoned the car and walked, and when they arrived at the grotto, they parted ways, and a group of people went to the No. 2 cave, which was halfway up the mountain, and the entrance of the cave was open to the tiger's mouth.

He Chengshuang and his entourage went headlong into the No. 35 grotto, where the entrance is small and large, and there is a 20-meter-long leading hole. Walking to the exit of the entrance cave, it suddenly opened up to an amazing underground palace with a total area of 4,000 square meters.

Twenty-six special-shaped stone pillars with a circumference of about ten meters stand on the top of the sky, and the circumference of the stone pillar is more than ten meters thick, which is heroic, domineering, and emperorial. There are thirty-six stone rooms surrounding the main hall, the smallest of which has an area of only two square meters; The walls of the stone houses vary in thickness, with the thinnest point being only ten centimeters thick.

These stone houses are sealed on three sides, and there is a doorway on the side of the hall only, and the doorway only allows one person to enter and exit. There are several deep pools on the side of the hall, the water is green, there is a sense of mystery, but it is clear to the bottom, and it does not dry up for many years.

It's not big, it's not small. He Chengshuang explained: "In a group of three, divided into five groups, they spread out into the stone room to look for it, and the room after the search was marked outside the door to avoid repetition."

He Cheng Shuangye Qingrang and Lao Wang were in a group, Hua Hanzhang Jiang Ruoyu and Xiao Wang were in a group, and He Rong Zongyu followed

He Chengshuang, guarding the door outside each stone room, vigilantly observing the movements in all directions.

The five groups of people searched for about ten minutes, and suddenly there was an exclamation from the southeast corner, followed by the rustle of the earth rolling down and the muffled sound of people hitting the stone wall, and finally the subtle sound of something crashing shut, and then listening carefully, there was no movement.

Ye Qingrang heard that it was Hua Hanzhang's voice, and secretly screamed that it was not good, He Chengshuang had already reacted, and ran towards the source of the sound.

Everyone came one after another, but they couldn't confirm which stone room the accident was, He Chengshuang chose an unmarked stone room to enter, and another group of people who came the fastest also walked in, and the six people plus He Rong filled the room. The person standing outside asked, "What's going on inside?" Ye Qingrang observed the internal structure of the stone chamber, the stone chamber is simple and clear at a glance, so the protruding annular stone buckle on one side of the stone wall is particularly eye-catching.

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