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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading in Volumes 70

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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

points Volume reading 70

But it is really hard to forget. The first time was four months after the outbreak of the apocalypse. Level 3 zombies were discovered for the first time in x city. The security zone issued a mission with a heavy reward for level 3 zombies. Crystal core, Ye Qingrang and a group of people participated. Of course, the final crystal core market fell into the hands of this murderous maniac. At that time, he was a level two peak superpower, and he was also ranked among the top domestic masters. He was not Ye Qingrang at all. These people who have just broken through Level 2 are comparable.

In the end, the third-level zombies failed to scare these superpower users. On the contrary, He Chengshuang's ferocious and cunning attack methods, fearless fighting style, and violent disregard of the thunder-type superpowers of the humans present, challenged him with transcendent levels. Shengsheng dug the crystal core out of the zombie's head, and then ignored everyone in the safe zone. He ignored everyone and absorbed the crystal core on the spot, upgraded it to a third-level superpower, and walked away, shocking the surviving people. When the safe zone learned of the news, it was ignored in the end.

The second time I met him was more than seven months after the end of the world. In the safe zone, He Chengshuang also had a team. Although he was arrogant, his third-level powers attracted many people with powers who took refuge. That day, it was one person who wanted to leave the team and join a large team that also had level three superpowers.

This matter is nothing in the apocalypse. It is just like the employees before the apocalypse who want to change jobs. Why not. But He Chengshuang went crazy, beat the man to a pulp with one palm, and cursed coldly: "When you joined my team, I told you that you cannot leave unless you die. Since you want to die, I might as well help you!" "

This move is tantamount to insulting the face of the other team. The leader of that team relied on the fact that he had been promoted to the third level not long ago, and wanted to protect his people with a cold face. He Chengshuang simply let everyone understand that they both had third-level powers. Or, the gap can be so big.

The boss was killed, but the members of the team were unwilling to follow him. They wanted to besiege He Chengshuang, regardless of bullying the smaller ones. In the end, He Chengshuang caused a disturbance in the safe zone, alerted the escort team, killed countless people, and fled outside the zone.

Only then did everyone realize that He Chengshuang was a lunatic. His current strength was not the result of fighting among zombies day and night. Others fought zombies to survive, but he did so because he was not afraid of death at all! For a time, people would rather face zombies than encounter the evil star He Chengshuang.

On the contrary, Ye Qingrang had an indescribable emotion towards He Chengshuang's actions. In this apocalyptic world, ethics and morality have also gone with the wind. People only feel that He Chengshuang kills people at will and with cruel methods. But no one took He Cheng's words of choosing teammates seriously, "No one can leave unless they die." In fact, it was indeed the teammate who broke his oath and suffered the consequences. Ye Qingrang felt that He Chengshuang was a bit like the evil warrior in martial arts, but his thoughts were too extreme.

Ye Qingrang called out "He Chengshuang" with doubts. He Chengshuang lowered his head slightly to help him deal with the wounds on his body. He was busy bandaging to stop the bleeding and replied: "Don't talk." His voice was low and steady, which made people inexplicably reassuring. But Ye Qingrang didn't listen to him and continued to ask: "Why save me?"

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