How it Started

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The scene starts with an overview of a laboratory. When a man with a white lab coat enters the shot.

Bruce's eyes widened at the familiar room, he knew exactly what day this was. The day he turned himself into a monster and destroyed his brother's mind.

“Bruce is that you?” Sam questioned, seeing the similarities

“Yeah,” Bruce mumbled, a little tense from what he knew would be shown

“Marcus is everything alright in there?” Bruce asked the engineer who was fixing the pipes that connected the tubes that contained the gamma radiation

“Yeah, this pipe is just really loose,” Marcus told him, earning a worried look from Bruce,”I got it under control though,”

“Could you check that computer too,” A soft voice was heard through the screen

‘Benji,’ They all thought with a small smile 

“It was glitching a little earlier,” Benjamin said, taking a seat next to his brother 

“No problem,” Marcus said, smiling brightly at the younger brother

“You look tired, Brucy,” Benjamin mumbled, getting a good look at his brother,”Did you sleep last night?” 

“I did,” Bruce muttered,”I just stayed here most of the night,” he said nervously, knowing his brother would respond

“Bruce,” Benjamin spoke sternly, giving Bruce a motherly expression

Most of the avengers shivered at the look, all recalling moments where Benjamin gave them the expression of a mother's disappointment

“I do not miss that look,” Clint muttered, earning nods from all of them

“You have to sleep,” Benjamin told him softly yet sternly

“I will when we're done,” Bruce mumbled, keeping his gaze on his notes and computer in front of him 

“You really think this is gonna be something?” Benjamin asked, no malice behind his words just pure curiosity 

“You don't?” Bruce retorted, raising a brow at his brother

Sighing, Benjamin ran his fingers through his hair,”That's not what I'm saying?” 

“He wasn't sure of the experiments?” Steve questioned, from what he knew of the experiments it was a joint effort between the brothers

“He was never sure of anything,” Bruce shrugged, they could all tell he was tense so Steve decided to not question him more

“I just don't think this will be such a big discovery like you talked about. Something that will be honored in history,” Benjamin clarified

“In a bad way?” Bruce asked, wondering if his brother was giving up 

“I don't know,” Benjamin shrugged,”I just have this feeling that whatever we discover won't be praised and that it'll be a waste of three years,” he sighed

‘He was wrong about that,’ Bruce thought to himself

“His intuition is never wrong though,” Wanda muttered, confused on why his feeling was so off 

“It used to be way off,” Bruce sighed,”I think maybe the little guys had something to do with it,” he told them

“They are quite smart,” Vision stated, he liked having conversations with Benji and his voices, they all made for great intellectual conversations 

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