Avengers- 1

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Kneeling behind a THRONE, a clothed, armored figure known as THE OTHER, bows.

THE OTHER (V.0.) The Tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world. A human world. They would wield its power


Loki is handed the chitauri scepter, a long golden handle, fitted with a blue gem encircled with silver blades,

“I’m guessing this is when we became…” Tony trailed off, earning a nod from Strange

“Yes, this will show the start of the avengers,” He confirmed, this was one of the key factors in Benjamin's life

THE OTHER (V.0.) But our ally knows its workings as they never will, He is ready to
lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow.

Tens of thousands of Chitauri stand ready in a seething mass of neat rows and columns... .the ground simply QUAKES.

THE OTHER (V.0.) The world will be his. The universe is yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?


A young girl sprints across a busy street. She runs through a crowd of people, rushing down an busy alleyway. She runs into a house and up the stairs. Calcutta woman approaches her.

Bruce is seen attending to a patient as Benjamin is seen washing his hands, both looking towards the little girl

"Who are you? Get out! There is sickness here!" The woman shouted in hindi, not wanting a stranger in her home

"Are you the doctors? I need a doctor. My father. My father's not waking up! He has a fever and he's moaning but his eyes won't open,” The little girl stated quickly, looking to the banner brothers in distress causing Bruce to move over to her and kneel to her height as Benjamin watches from his spot

"Slow down," Bruce said soothingly, trying his best to calm the young girl

"My father," The girl cried

"Like them?” Bruce questioned, gesturing to the people in the house that are sick and the young girl nods and holds up a wad of cash

She’s lying,” The gruff voice, now known as James, muttered, causing Benjamin to sigh

Natasha sighs as she realized what would be shown soon,”I’m sorry, Bruce,” she apologized, the man offering her a soft smile

“You were just doing your job,” Bruce said, not really bothered by their first meeting

She’s a kid,” Benjamin whispered, following his brother and the little girl to where her father may be

“A kid who’s lying,” James muttered, sounding more than annoyed as the brothers followed the lying girl

“How does he know she’s lying?” Sam questioned, looking to Bruce,Tony, and Wanda who he knew were closest to him

“Enhanced senses,” Tony answers,”He could hear her heartbeat,” Though he was well aware that Benji seemed to also just have a six sense that could always catch a lie in any living creature, even without a heart.

The young girl is rushing to reach the shack but Banner, a little suspicious, grabs her, slowing her down. A truck drives by very slowly, Banner glances at it as it passes and behind him to make sure his brother was okay.

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