Avengers - 6

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As he walked out of Loki's cell room, Benjamin was met with a frowning Natasha who leaned against the wall

“I didn't know he would make y-” She started

“Respectfully, I must say it wouldn't have changed anything. This is your job, you do what you're told,” Benjamin murmured, not once glancing up as he then sighed,”I'm sure he was watching but in case he wasn't, you should let your director know Loki is here for me and my brother,” he told her

Nodding firmly, Natasha began to contact Fury,”Noted,” and before he could leave she spoke again,”I truly didn’t-”

“Keep this between us, please,” Benjamin asked her, the redhead nodding immediately, thinking it was the least she could do

“So you did know?” Steve asked her, nothing but judgment on his face

“He asked me not to tell, so i didn’t,” Natasha told him firmly, not feeling a bit of guilt for following benji’s request

“You should’ve told us-” Steve started

“Why?” Clint jumped in, raising a brow at the captain,”We don’t have the right to know everyone’s secrets,” he voiced, causing steve to scoff

“We’re also not supposed to keep secrets, Barton,” Steve argued, earning a glare from most of them and especially Tony

“You really wanna talk about secrets, Rogers?” Tony questioned harshly

“Guys, please,” Bruce stepped in, his small voice causing all the tension to ease slightly

With that, the two went to the lab and on the way they found Thor being escorted by an agent. It only took a few turns before they reached the lab, hearing the last of what Steve Rogers was saying.

"I was wrong Director. The world hasn't changed a bit."

Bruce saw his brother walk in with the assassin and the God, before asking Natasha, "Did you know about this?" gesturing to the weapon on the table

“I’m sure she did,” Steve grumbled, obviously still on edge about Natasha and Benjamin keeping secrets

“Shut it, Rogers,” Clint snapped, glaring at the blonde

Confused, Benjamin looked towards the holographic screen which showed what Tony had hacked into and scanned the info, not too surprised with what they found.

"You want to think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?" The redhead said ignoring what the doctor had asked

Bruce let out a forced laugh, "We were in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed," he replied, his anger rising as his brother walked over to him

This is not good, if he hulks out we’ll be forced to intervene,” Isaac muttered, causing Benjamin to tense knowing it would only open way for more reason to be used

"Loki is manipulating you."

“If anything happens I’ll step in,” James stated, taking the role of the protector as usual

"And you've been doing what, exactly?" The older Banner fired back

"You two didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you." Natasha retorted, narrowing her eyes at him

"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy." Bruce argued, shrugging and not stepping down

“Perhaps you shouldn’t, you know how you can be,” Mille voiced, knowing how severe James could be

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