Chapter 13

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Minho ran even though it started to rain. The photograph would probably get wet but for right now, that was the least of Minho's concern.

He ran through the over grown area which had since developed a matted down path that Minho had created through his frequent visits.

He opened the door carefully, not wanting to worry the younger. His hair stuck to his forehead, rain water mixed with sweat as he panted, leaning against the wall to catch his breath.

Jisung was, yet again, gliding across the ice so effortlessly beautifully that he made himself look like a moving painting, or something created the most delicate hands.

Minho decided to just sit and watch, something  he hadn't done in a while. He rarely took the time to sit and observe. He was always so caught up in his own thoughts that he sometimes forgot other people existed too.

His friends had noticed that he'd become a lot more distant, not physically, but mentally. He tended to stare off into the distance with a blank expression on his face.

They'd asked him about it many times, but each time he'd told them to just not worry about it, which led them to thoroughly believe that they should worry about it.

"Oh, Minho." Jisung's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He waved, a small smile playing at his lips.

"How long were you standing there?" Jisung skated over to the gate and stepped off the ice, sitting down to take his skates off and clean the blades.

"Um, not long, it's fine, I wanted to watch you for a little."

"Ah." Was all Jisung said.

"I, um, wanted to show you something." Jisung looked over to Minho, a questioning look made its way to his face.

The younger noticed that Minho was nervous, but decided against saying anything.

"I found this in my dad's office." Minho pulled out the photograph and gave it to Jisung.

The boy took it and examined it.

He gasped lightly.

"I-is that me?" He said quietly tracing the photo.

"Mhm, and that's me." Minho responded softly.

"Wow- I- wow..." Jisung just sits and stares at the picture, "I guess we knew each other."

Minho smiles and only mutters a small "yeah" in return.

"Also, I came out to my parents."

"Oh? I'm proud." Jisung gave a warm smile and carefully held one of Minho's hands, almost completely forgetting about the photo.

Minho sighed, "it didn't go well. I don't think my dad sees me as his son anymore."

Jisung put a hand over his mouth, "oh my god, I'm so sorry." The younger squeezed the older's hand as an attempt to comfort Minho, which worked a little.

"C-can I have a hug?" Minho sniffed, tears threatened to fall.

"Of course." Jisung opened his arms and let Minho collapse into them.

He stroked Minho's hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"Do you want to stay here?"

Minho just nodded into Jisung's chest.

"Okay." He lightly pressed a kiss to the top of Minho's head.

"It's gonna be okay."

A//N: idk if I wanna continue this book or delete it all together :(

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