Chapter 29

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"Baby? Are you crying?" Jisung heard a voice call. He lifted his head up from his arms, not fully being able to process anything as he felt a little out of it from crying so much.

"Sweetie? Is your heart okay? Can you hear me?" The voice grew more concerned as Jisung still hadn't turned around.

A hand was delicately placed on Jisung's shoulder making him flinch and suddenly turn around.

"It's okay, it's just me." Minho smiled softly even through the worry etched into his features.

Jisung's eyes went wide.


"Minho?" He asked, tears streaming down his face before he could even try to hold them back.

"Hi sweetheart." Minho brought a hand up to wipe the tears away from his lovers cheeks but before he could, he felt the air pushed out of his lungs as Jisung collapsed onto him.

"Minho." He sobbed, clutching the boys shirt in his fists, burying his face in his neck.

"I-I thought you were dead. Minho you fucking scared me! Never do that again." Jisung sobbed into his chest.

Minho felt his own tears prick his eyes as he held Jisung tightly in his arms, finally after so long being able to feel him in his embrace.

"Angel, I've missed you." The older breathed out in a whisper. Jisung just whined, wanting Minho closer, so Minho leant back against the wall of the rink and brought Jisung into his lap.

The younger sighed in comfort as he wrapped himself around Minho like a koala.

"I've got you, I'm not leaving you my lovely." Minho whispered into his ear as he ran his hands carefully through Jisung's hair, calming him down.

After a while, Jisung brought his face out of the crook of Minho's neck, and cupped his cheeks.

Minho leant forward, "can I kiss you?" He asked and Jisung responded by pressing their lips together.

It was desperate but gentle at the same time. All the moments they'd missed with each other, made up in this one kiss. Their lips moved together like they were only created to kiss the other. It was perfect.

Minho cupped Jisung's jaw and ran his hand up and down his waist, massaging it slowly while Jisung's hands entangled in his hair, occasionally pulling it and earning a small groan out of the older.

They pulled away for air and Minho immediately dug his head into Jisung's shoulder, kissing it lightly before he began to talk.

"I'm so sorry for making you take care of me and for leaving." He apologised.

Jisung's face morphed into one of confusion. "Don't apologise, you did nothing wrong." He played with the others hair softly.

"I should be sorry I forced you to stay with me." Jisung felt a guilty expression overtake his features.

Minho pulled away. "What do you mean?" He brushed a tear from Jisung's face, "I wanted to stay, I chose to. I fell in love with you because I wanted to, even if I developed hanahakai disease...I would go through it all again just to be with you one last time." The younger sniffed and clutched Minho's shirt tightly. He'd never been loved like this before.

"I love you." Jisung said suddenly, kissing Minho's cheek.

"I love you too baby." Minho smiled softly, pulling Jisung into a real kiss on his lips.

They both melted into the kiss again, although this one was shorter and slower, and when they pulled away they rested their foreheads together.

"Are you a ghost now?" Jisung whispered curiously, breaking the romantic mood and tension.

"Yeah...we're a cute ghost couple now." Minho grinned.

"C-Couple?" Jisung had never thought about what they were before this moment.

"Only if you want to." The older quickly reassured.

"N-no, I want to, I definitely want to...I just don't know how...I've never done this before." He shyly played with the hem of Minho's shirt.

"Don't worry, we'll take it slowly, okay?" Minho rubbed his waist in a comforting manner, but Jisung still had a worried look on his face.

Minho prompted him to express his thoughts.

"What if I'm bad at this?" The boy looked genuinely scared about this.

"Sweets, this is your first relationship, you can't be expected to be perfect and neither can I, but I can guarantee you, you're gonna do so well and we'll work through any obstacles together, yeah?" The older pecked his lips and Jisung nodded, smiling ear to ear.

After a while of sitting and chatting, they felt the floor was too uncomfortable and so got up to sit on the makeshift bed where Minho's body had just been.

Of course, since he's died, his ghost has to use a body and so, will use his until it goes into the afterlife, only then will the body fully rest with the soul.

Jisung cuddled close to Minhos side, the older wrapping an arm around the others waist.

"I still can't believe you're here." Jisung spoke quietly, playing with Minho's fingers.

"You better believe it my love." Minho kissed the top of Jisung's head.

For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Jisung started to tear up.

Minho pulled him closer to him, running his fingers through his hair and he peppered kisses all over his head.

"I missed you so much, I thought you were gone forever." Jisung sighed heavily as he drew in another shaky breath.

"I know, I know sweetie, I'm so sorry." The older gently guided Jisung's face into the crook of his neck, "shh, it's okay, I'm here now, I'm not leaving you...ever." Minho reassured.

"I love you so much." Jisung said again.

"I love you too." Minho gently rocked them side to side, humming a tune, remembering how Jisung used to like to be sung to sleep.

"I'm so proud of you, you did so good." Minho nuzzled his nose against Jisung's head, "so, so good."

They ended up laying down, Jisung's arms wrapped around Minho's torso and his face buried in his chest while Minho had his arms around Jisung's neck, one hand playing with his hair. Their legs tangled together as Minho sung a lullaby to send Jisung off to sleep.

"Sweet dreams angel, I love you." Minho whispered before drifting off to sleep himself.

That night, they disappeared, their souls finally finding peace in the after life, Jisung's soul finally found its key to the way out, the key to freedom, the key to happiness.

It was Minho all along.

A new constellation appeared in sky, a new constellation of two people holding each other.

Minho and Jisung were finally at peace...together.

The end

A//N: just kidding, there's an epilogue.

I hope you like the ending lol, I'm sorry this book was so sad 😭

A few plot holes I want to clear up:
1. Tbh I never came up with a motive for Minho's dad, maybe he was just like that.
2. Jisung's heart hurt when Minho began dying, so basically Minho was slowly dying through this whole book. It hurt most when he officially died.
3. Did Minho's family even make sense? I can't even fill in this plot hole.
4. Minho developed hanahaki because Jisung was a ghost and so it didn't count.
5. Anything else you don't understand please lmk cuz I feel like there was a lot of unsolved things in this book because I genuinely improvised every chapter 😭

I hope you enjoyed this book nonetheless!!

Thank you for reading!!

I love you all!

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