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Jayson's POV

"Nah man, I think you're cheating" I said as I watched Cleo put down a card and call uno

Its been about 2 weeks since me and Cleo had that heart to heart conversation; things have been pretty good so far

Fyn quit her job and decided that she needed to get away from the west for a minute so she and Cleo flew down to Boston

Jaylen was hype as fuck when he told me that his cousin was coming to spend a couple days at his house

Cleo being Cleo took it upon herself to get a hotel room even after Jaylen offered to let her stay with him while they were in town

The more I spent time with Cleo the more I started to pay attention to her facial expressions and her body language simply because I knew I  wasn't gonna get anywhere by  having to rely on her words

I learned that she does in fact speak her mind but it always comes off rude or insensitive because she doesn't calm down before she speaks

In other words she's a ticking time bomb

"Yeah you just had like 7 cards!" Jaylen said

"Where would I have put the other cards Jaylen? Up my ass?" Cleo scoffed

"Most of her cards were skips and color changers so of course she got rid of them fast" Fyn pointed out

"Yeah I got skipped like 3 times in a row" I laughed

"Well I'm sorry that y'all suck" cleo smirked

Of course she ended up winning the game because her last card was another color changer

Jaylen looked down at his phone before standing up

"Where you goin?" Fyn asked

"I have a workout scheduled for today, I told you that last night" Jaylen replied

"You were my ride here dude" Fyn said plainly

"I could drive you back to his place" I shrugged

"It's like 30 minutes away and you're supposed to be resting your ankle" Fyn pointed out

"I can still drive" I scoffed

"Yeah.....No. can you drop me off before goin to the gym?" She asked Jaylen

He nodded and she gave everybody hugs before she left with him

It was quiet for a while before Cleo spoke

"I did the thing we talked about" Cleo said lowly

"And?" I asked as a smile crept on my face

"They accepted my aplication!" She squealed

"Didn't I tell you! They would've been crazy not to chose you" I smiled

I was happy for her because I knew this would be a good job opportunity for her and the job would also allow her to move around freely as she pleased

"Thank you" she said lowly

"For what?"

I watched as she just shrugged but her eyes said it all

"It was all you. When do you start?" I smiled

"They're sending me the hair care line in the mail so I'll be posting the Ad whenever it gets delivered" she smiled

"I'm guessing you get paid once the promo is done.."

"Yeah which is cool because I've got enough money to hold me over" she nodded

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