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Justin's POV

"Sorry about her bro, she's had a stick up her ass ever since that piece of shit dinner she threw" my best friend Joziah said as we sat in his parents living room

"What dinner?" I asked

I knew it was none of my business but something in me wanted to know

"She got engaged to that dumbass she's been seeing since high school and my parents lost their shit because they don't approve of him. My mom said they're cutting her off completely if she does" he explained


Just the thought of him made my head spin

He was the dumbest, most selfish dude I ever met! He was weird as hell too!

"Damn" was all I could say

I couldn't believe she was still with him

I know for a fact he still doesn't treat her properly because he never did

"I thought she was done with him but he popped up a couple months ago" Zi said 

"You think she hit him up first?" I asked

"Wouldn't put it past her, she's desperate for male attention" he chuckled

It was quiet for a second before he spoke again

"If we're being honest I think he's got an ulterior motive" Zi admitted

"Like what?"

"You remember Cleo?" He asked

"How could I forget her? Miss Popeye herself" I chuckled

Cleo was honestly the funniest person I ever met and that right hook of hers is a killer

I watched her knock a grown man down with one swing, that's something I'll never forget.

I seen her on the blogs a couple times and it's rumored she's dating NBA player Jayson Tatum but I don't think there's any truth to it

"What about her?" I asked

"She's dating that Celtics dude" Zi said as he turned the TV on

So it is true...

"What's that gotta do with Keith?" I asked

"Remember he tried to befriend my cousin Jaylen?"

"Yeah and that shit went south because Jay knew how he was treating Lynny" I nodded

"Well you add it up. He can't get the exposure from being around Jaylen but if he's around Cleo and her man..." he said as he made space for me to put everything together

"So he's using Lynny to get to Cleo then using Cleo to get closer to Jayson? that's crazy" I said as I shook my head

"You know he's been trying to get a modeling contact for years and being seen with well known people is a way to get his foot in the door"

"Have you told your sister?" I asked

"No point. She thinks she knows everything" he shrugged

"So yall are just gonna cut her off and let her fall flat on her face once she realizes everything too late?"

"Some people gotta learn the hard way" he shrugged

That shit wasn't right

Somebody had to tell her

We watched TV until dinner was ready and the whole time all they did was talk about the things they'd be taking back from Lynny

Her mom was talking about how she'd have 30 days to find a new place to stay, her dad said that she'd need her own car insurance plan because he wasn't gonna keep her on his, and Zi said that he wasn't gonna be her shoulder to cry on once shit hit the fan

My stomach churned the entire time

These people were her family and they were supposed to be behind her no matter what

"I just want her to be with a man who could care for her financially or at least keep up with her lifestyle" her mother stated

Everything was about money with her which was funny considering the fact that she wasn't the breadwinner of the family

"She needs a man who cares about her wellbeing. Fuck all the other stuff, is he gonna send my child back into the Nuthouse?" Her dad said as he shook his head

I silently ate as my chest started to hurt

I remember the day they took her to the mental hospital to get an evaluation

I think Keith had cheated for the third or fourth time with some super skinny blond haired girl and Lynny just shut down

She stopped eating, didn't sleep through the night, constantly questioned herself, she even bleached her hair.

She ended up fucking her hair up so bad that she had to cut it super short which lowered her confidence into the ground.

Everybody who knew Lynny knows how much she valued her hair and how much it had grown overtime so to see her hair go from waist length to right under her ears was a serious issue

She also used to be super thick so her rapid weight loss freaked everybody out

I remember her brother speeding to the hospital from the basketball game because his parents were worried about his sister

I had to go with him since I was staying with his family for that weekend

she ended up passing out in the kitchen from not eating in so long. Apparently all she had been doing was drinking water

When we got to the hospital there was so many machines beeping and she was hooked up to a bunch of shit

It really killed me to see her like that and after they ran a bunch of test they asked her parents what they wanted to do

Her father wanted to take her home as soon as she could be released but her mom was hellbent on getting her some real help so she did what the hospital recommended which was the mental hospital

She was gone for almost 2 and a half months and nobody but her father seemed to care

"How's your girlfriend?" Aspen asked knocking me out of my thoughts

"We broke up last year and she went back to Europe" I shrugged

"Such a shame, I liked her" she replied as we're all finished our food

"Me too" I said under my breath

Once dinner was over I looked through Zi's following until I found Lynny's instagram page and followed her

I planned to tell her what I heard about her man later on in the day

Hopefully she took my warning

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