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                    Keith's POV

I shook my head as I looked at Cleo's instagram story


Hella heart eyes for you @JayTatum0 😘_______________________________

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Hella heart eyes for you @JayTatum0 😘

I rolled my eyes and got off of Instagram

"I can't believe you blew it! You had one job" my girlfriend yelled

"Alyssa please" I groaned

"Don't Alyssa please me! You said your ex was loaded, we had a plan and somehow you managed to fuck it up!" She yelled some more

I was over her screaming at me

"I don't see you doin shit to help us out. I'm over here pretending I care about bitches while you just laze around and play drill fucking Sargent" I scoffed

"Laze around? Really? Who found the girl's Instagram after you brought her up? Me. Who came up with the plan to steal her money? Me. Who came up with the subtle bumping into her plan? Me. You didn't do shit! You couldn't even play your role well enough and secure us a fucking bag!" she yelled again

"you fucking date her then!" I finally yelled back

"I should've because you fucking suck! How hard could it possibly be to keep the girl who already has everything happy?! She didn't need shit from you and you still couldn't fake the funk well enough" She yelled

I wasn't about to have a screaming match with her

Yes getting back with Fyn was just a scam

I never liked that girl not even the first time we dated; she was just easy to hook up with

She was just a spoiled little rich girl playing around with her parents money...money that I wanted

She had everything she could ever want; the world at her fingertips! yet she wanted to rebel and I was there just waiting for her to fall

I knew I had her wrapped around my finger when I'd cheat and she'd take me back after a couple of my crocodile tears.

I'm not sorry, I never was.

The plan was to marry Fyn, set up a joint account, take all her money, then go missing but her stupid ass family got into her ear

They never let her make decisions   for herself and they had a good reason not to..she was fucking find

Her brother threatened to cut her off and her parents said they were gonna take her house from her

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