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                   Justin's POV

I just looked over at Fyn who was sitting on the bed and watching TV

She completely ruined our date night over a comment somebody made that had nothing to do with her and if we're being honest I've had enough

"We need to talk" I said as I sat on the side of the bed

She continued to ignore me so I just started talking

"I think you need to be single for a while and just learn yourself."

"You're breaking up with me?" She asked finally turning her attention to me

"Consider it a break.."

"All this because of cle-" she started

"No, all This because of YOU. YOU don't trust me, YOU never let me talk, YOU feel like you have competition. It's YOU" I said a little louder than I should have

I looked over and she was crying but that wasn't about to stop my speech

"I think we moved too fast. You never healed from Keith and his constant mistakes so all you do is assume and pin shit on me. It's so bad to the point that you're accusing your best friend of stupid shit"

She just wiped her tears as I spoke

"You asked me a million times about Cleo and I told you that nothing has ever happened, I even admitted to having a crush on Grace in high school which is something I've never told anybody, yet you still accused me of dumb shit"

"Just leave man; I don't need you" she sighed

I rolled my eyes and left

It was already 6:50 and the game started at 7

I wasn't gonna go at first but fuck it

I can't turn myself into a hermit because she's afraid of shit that'll never happen

I got to the stadium by 7:10 but it took me 5 minutes to find parking

When I got inside I headed straight for the food stand

Fyn wasn't about to ruin my damn night

By the time I got to my seat the game had already started

"Hey. Thought you weren't coming" Grace said as I sat down next to her

"Out of respect for Fynland and her feelings I Wasn't gonna come but that shit stops today"

"What happened?" She asked lowly

"I'll tell you later..yo Queeniee!" I semi yelled to Cleo

"Heyy!" She smiled as she waved back

"Wassup Deuce!" I waved

"Hi Justin!" He smiled

I sat back and enjoyed the game

"Wassup bro, glad you could make it" Jayson said as he came over and gave me a handshake before sitting down

"No problem bro" I said as I dapped him up

I didn't see Jaylen on the court so I asked Grace where he was

Apparently his dumb ass ripped his shorts and had to go change

That sounds like some goofy shit he'd do

The Celtics won by 20 points and Grace was the happiest I've ever seen her be

"Man I could kiss you right now!" She said to Jaylen as she looked down at her phone

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