Chapter Nineteen- Marked

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19. Marked

Reed stared at me his eyes wide open "You are Alive" he breathed.

Before I could respond he crashed his lips on mine, my eyes widens, sparks ignites inside of me, the bond between us was indescribable, it felt electrifying yet calm, it felt peaceful yet thunderous at the same time, when I subconsciously part my lips he takes that as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, his hands held the back of my neck, and then his fingers touched the nape of my neck and then I feel the bond ten folds, it was then I realized, I have been marked.

When Reed ends the kiss and stared right at me, I was completely frozen, I could hear him call my name but I did not respond, I could not respond, my brain was still trying to put the pieces in place and then my head feels like it is twirling in circles, I feel my eye lids become heavy, my body weakens, it must have been the rush effect of the bond, Reed stared at me worriedly he knows I am about to pass out but before I do I managed to mutter weakly "I am fine, I am just tired" and just like that I blacked out.

The sound of a heart monitor was the first thing to grace my ears when I opened my eyes, I felt stronger than earlier on and all the images of what had happened flashes before my eyes, I feel my cheeks heat up, I was indeed acting like a love struck teenager.

My eyes scanned the room, it looked like a typical hospital or clinic bed, I have never been the one lying on the bed, rather I have been the one helping the person that was laid on the bed, life had changed drastically in just a short time. 

When my eyes fell on Reed lying rather uncomfortably in the small couch, his huge frame distorted in the chair, a smile settled on my face, he stirred in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open like a child.

"Hey!" He says in his groggily voice as he gathered himself from the chair, he stumbled up to me, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes

"Hey" I responded when he made it to my side, he was staring at me intensely.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked

"I feel good" I responded, but his eyes held me under scrutinizing gaze, searching for a possible lie. "I am fine, I don't think I will be collapsing anymore" I added to reassure him, he sighs in relief.

"Okay" he gave a curt nod.

"I have been marked" I stated, his eyes widens a bit as though he had been caught in a crime.

"I—I" he stuttered then he exhaled deeply "I had to, you were dying and that was all that came to my mind, I apologize for doing so without your consent"

"I understand" I simply replied, Reed marking me had clearly saved my life, I do not hold my father's essence anymore and in a way it made me feel different, it felt like I had lost a piece of myself, a father I was meant to hate was living indirectly inside of me all this while.

"What happened?, you suddenly fell, I thought all this would have ended when we managed to defeat Williams and his plagued wolves but we were wrong it seems, you laid unconscious for a week and your condition kept on declining each passing day and then you died" he choked on those two last words and it broke my heart, it took we falling into that slumber to realize the glaring truth, the truth that Reed was my mate and the moon goddess had chosen to favor me and Reed had believed in that before while I tried so hard to convince myself otherwise, "You are really my mate" I stated

"It appears so. Are you happy?" He questioned as he stared at me intensely, I had no idea how I should respond, I am still livid that I had gotten a mate and my mate was a good man but that did not change the fact that I felt undeserving of him.

"I am" I breathe, my feeling might be in jumbles but regardless of that I was happy in a way, it felt like I have finally had something that was worth living for.

He gave a bright smile, he was about to say something else when Fia dashed into the room and Nadine was on her tail.

"Mistress!" She screamed out of excitement as she hugged me tightly, I winced causing her to jump off me "Are you hurt Mistress?" She questioned worriedly.

"I am just a bit sore" I replied

"You look like you had to fought a war and lost" Nadine jokingly said but those words hit me hard inside my bones, I had indeed fought a war and I had lost, my mother had won.

"My mother lives" I announced, Reed looked confused but Nadine gasped while Fia stared at me with her eyes wide open, she never meet my mother but I had told her stories of her age how she would have been happy to meet her, how she would have taken better care of her and it hurt to be wrong, it hurts to think that my righteous mother was actually the villain in the story "She has taken my essence, well my father's essence that was stored inside of me"

"I—I do not understand, how is that possible?, Lady Ingrid is a werewolf how can she collect a witches essence and how did your father's essence end up inside of you?" she questioned eagerly, Nadine met my mother when we was quite old and she was the one that encouraged the friendship so that I would not have to be alone when she left this world, how did that good woman become evil, it made no sense to me.

"She consumed my father's essence and killed him" I breathe.

"What!" Nadine screamed.


It felt different sitting on the fields and staring into the nature, it felt like I have not done so in over a century. A lot had really happened in just a week, while I struggled in that world, they had also struggled in the physical world trying to bring me back. After I had explained everything to Nadine and the rest, I felt suffocated in that room, Reed noticed it and pulled me out for a walk.

I was grateful for that, he quietly led me by the hand to the forest behind the clinic, when I felt a bit tired we decided to stop and I sat on the grass just staring at everything before me.

Images of the good times I spent with my mother flashed through my head and each memory broke me rather than filling me with joy, Reed held me close to him and I do not realize it until a year drop ran down my cheeks and then I was crying, Reed held me tightly as I wailed against his chest staining his shirt with my tears, but he did not seem to mind rather he held me even tighter, the last time I had cried like this was when my supposed dead mother had passed away the first time. I felt like my world had been the taken away from me and that was what fueled my desperation to take my own life because I felt like I had no purpose of living in this world. It was the curse of being someone like me and now I feared that I would suffer the same fate when Reed would pass on, my entire existence was indeed a curse.

"I am here" Reed said and his words pierced deep into my heart as quick as a bullet. "I will always be here" he added as though he knew exactly what I was thinking, maybe he could feel my internally turmoil of the situation at hand.

"Thank you" I muttered as I stopped crying, I pulled myself away from him gently, his face appeared hurt by my actions, I did not want to be away from him nor was I rejecting him, I just did not know how to feel or what to feel still I did something that stunned the both of us, I placed a kiss on his lips.

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