Chapter Thirty - Epilogue

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30. Epilogue

Three days later.

Reed carefully placed me on the chair, I mouthed a thank you, he nods in acknowledgment and he proceeds to sit beside me, I was still in pain but I was better. After I had blacked out Reed informed me that it took Celine and Nadine powers to be able to revival me back, and now I was still healing.

Kaden was talking to his people while I watched, were hold in a ceremony to honor the  fallen werewolf warriors and the werewolves that had been manipulated into plagued wolves, they were still his people.

The atmosphere was gloomy, the pain of the loss of their loved ones filled the atmosphere, there were sons and daughters and mates that would never been seen again. We might have won the war but we paid a price for it.

I squirmed in my chair, I was not comfortable but I wanted to be here, I wanted to somehow share in their pain even though I could not take it away from them.

"Are you sure you are okay, I can take you back to the room" he suggested with a worrisome look, he was acting on the edge when it came to me, following my every moment like he was afraid that I was going to slip away from his grasp. It did not sit well it him that I was no longer immortal, but he was grateful at the same time, the dagger would not be able to make me fade away. For me it was a blessing, immortality was indeed a curse and I was grateful that I would finally get to age properly and in time leave this world, it was way better than me having to watch Reed pass on while I would be stuck here.

"I am fine" I gave a soft smile but he looked at me unconvinced by my response, I took his hand in mine enclosing it with the other "Reed, I want to be here" I added, his shoulders dropped a bit.

"Fine" he mutters after sparing me a long glance, he turned his head back to the front where Kaden was still commemorating on the fallen members of his people, I rested my head on his shoulders and sighed.

After Kaden speech, the mass burial proceeded, there was a huge plaque mounted in front of the open graves and family members of the deceased came one by one to say their final goodbye, I knew none of these people but I knew their sacrifice, they died for their brothers and their sisters, they diligently and proudly fought for their king. I blew a kiss to the air, I know the moon goddess has accepted their souls.

Two months later

Kaden and Louisiana welcomed their son a week ago, they named him Astral, it brought forth a reason to it celebrate though the pain in our hearts for the fallen members of several packs were still fresh in the heart, Astral birth brought a sense of hope to them, a picture of a new dawn.

Kaden had suggested I stayed in the palace with Reed, Fia and Nadine, he suggested it was time I lived a life as a part of a pack, I contemplated at first but I agreed, Reed had willing left his kind to follow me and Fia would still diligently follow me even till now dragging her mate along with her but this time it did not seem right, I finally understood that we needed balance and staying might bring us some balance, but Nadine could not stay, she had to go back, she has decided to pursue her human love interest and she wants to be able to check on the coven since they now had the dagger in their possession. I could not hold her back, she deserved her own happiness so I let her go not before making her promise that she would visit sometime.

I was getting dressed for a picnic with Reed, I had been the one that orchestrated the whole thing this time around surprisingly, but Fia had helped a lot. I was really going to give this thing a go, Reed and I might have accepted being mates but I knew that I was a bit old fashioned, people of these times do these things and Reed has been trying to get me to enjoy them and see them as a normal thing, he said, it was all about creating memories and now I want to start creating good memories also with Reed.

As I put on a casual yet elegant dress, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. Reed had been patient and understanding throughout this whole journey, and I wanted to show him that I was ready to fully embrace our relationship.

As I walked out of my room, I found Reed waiting for me in the hallway, a smile lighting up his face. He was dressed in a simple outfit, his blonde hair falling slightly over his forehead.

"You look beautiful," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. I blushed and thanked him, feeling a warmth spread through me.

We made our way to the palace gardens, where Fia had set up a picturesque picnic spot under a large oak tree. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm golden glow over everything. It was a perfect day for a picnic.

Reed and I settled down on a blanket, surrounded by an array of delicious food and drinks. We laughed and talked, sharing stories and dreams. It felt so natural, so right, to be in his company.

As we enjoyed the food and each other's presence, I couldn't help but reflect on how far we had come. From the fateful night we first met, to the battles we fought together, to this moment of peace and happiness, it had been an incredible journey.

"I'm grateful for you, Reed," I said softly, looking into his eyes. "You've stood by my side through everything, and I've come to realize that I can't imagine my life without you."

His gaze was filled with warmth and affection. "And I can't imagine my life without you either, I love you always" he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I love you always" I responded back

We leaned in closer, our lips meeting in a gentle kiss. It was a sweet and tender moment, filled with the promise of a future together.

As we pulled away, I looked around at the blooming flowers, the vibrant colors, and the beauty of the world around us. I knew that challenges might still come our way, but with Reed by my side, I felt strong and ready to face anything.

I took his hand in mine and placed it on my flat belly "I am with child" I smiled widely.

He blinked completely stunned at my announcement "Are-are you sure?, I can not smell him or her yet"

"It is still young, you will soon but I am absolutely sure".

His lips widens into a smile, he takes me off guard when he picks me up and spins me in the air "Thank you" he said as he placed a kiss on my lips, he carefully placed me on the ground.

I smiled "Thank you" I said as well, and I pulled my body into mine feeling the warmth of his embrace.

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