Chapter 27

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'I need to find a way to recover. ASAP' 



I stayed quite far away from them where I could see them. I decided to stay in a distance so I can concentrate more in my recovery.

I keep meditating and gather my mana around my body on the top of a boulder. While meditating, I watch them put a big basil of water on the middle of an open space.

'I wonder what their plan is' 

I feel like my energy keeps going up but it also keeps constantly depleting even I didn't use any spells. 

'If mana gathering won't work, what will? Should I ask Arden about it? Maybe I should'

I opened my status screen and call Arden but for some reason my call won't get through.

'Does his place have No signal? Impossible, I already called him before, why can't I do it now? Something's wrong here' 

"Self status" I muttered

The hologram screen in front of me showed my data. The result was worse than I expected...

My health percentage went down to 42% and my mana percentage keeps depleting slowly but constantly, it is currently in 79%. 

I scan my own body and there I discovered the name of the cause of my suffering. The black veins is called 'THE DEMON'S VENOM'

While meditating my mana, I still managed to do research about it.

The demon's venom is a forbidden black magic. That will make the victim feel intense pain, their life force and power source will deplete. Black veins will spread in their body like a virus. When it will completely cover their body, they will surely DIE.

No one must use that spell since it's too powerful and dangerous. That spell is a poison for both magician and victim. Once it's cast to someone, that being will die within 24 hours if they can't be immune to it, and the caster will feel intense pain in the rest of their life.. 

There's no spell or cure to deactivate the demon's venom, only 2 barely survived in that spell. Both were once powerful beings but after getting affected by that spell, they went weaker than infants. 

The only way to deactivate the spell, is to get immune and used by it...  There is only 0.0001% to make that happen...

I was stunned upon reading the information about it. I was shock and slowly lose hope when the information hit me..

"Is this really my end?" I thought hopelessly

I look at the sky as my tears roll down to my cheeks. The reality was more painful than the curse itself.

'I don't want to die, not yet, not now. I haven't met everyone in the gang yet. I haven't seen Fang. I haven't seen Kaizo yet. I haven't got to spend more time with Ying, Yaya and Gopal. I don't want to leave Boboiboy. Just a little longer, I want to live. I want to stay'  I prayed as my tears keeps rolling down from my eyes.

"Oh~ are you crying because your story will end soon? What a sight" I heard someone said behind me

I look behind and saw a figure of a person who's wearing dark cloak while exposing black angel's wings.

I weakly stood up while wiping my tears off at summon the sword of penalty while pointing at the fallen angel.

"I won't do that if I were you. Look at your hair, it's slowly changing to black. If you want to live longer, I suggest you to deactivate that stupid thing" They said

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