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I'M IN THE LOCAL CORNER STORE CLOSE TO MY HOUSE, and I'm zoned out looking at the lube section.

I don't know why I just had to zone out while looking at lube but I have gotten a few stares.

I'm not even thinking about sex, let alone using the lube by any means.

I'm actually thinking about what to eat for lunch and yet I still haven't moved from the fucking lube aisle.

The bell rings at the door and familiar voices can be heard.

One of the voices happens to be (2), so I finally cut the bullshit and stop looking at the lube.

As I'm slowly walking to the exit of the aisle I realise that this whole part is related to pleasure and my mind is fogging up with embarrassment.

I find (2) walking past the aisle and I catch their attention without thinking where I stand.

(2) stopped in their tracks and I realised they are with the two worst people to see me in this current situation.

"Hi Y/n, what are you doing here..?" (2) looks awkward as I've just landed back on Earth and figured out where I am.

"Uh...I zoned out..?" I try to explain.

"In the condom aisle?" Gojo lifts his eyebrow, trying to conceal his laugh.

"No no, it's not like that-" my attempts at covering up are thrown out the window when both (2) and Gojo burst out laughing.

Next to Gojo stood Geto who was snickering at me and I could feel my soul crumble out of embarrassment.

"Glad to know you're getting game Y/n." (2) puts a hand on my shoulder with a smirk.

"Are you making fun of me for getting game (2)?" I act offended, forgetting I'm pulling a joke with my friend in front of the hottest boy in my school last year and his successor this year.

"Impressed that you're going for featherlight condoms." (Gojo) cackled and walked away with (2) and Geto.

Confused I looked at my surroundings and realised I am leaning my arm on the featherlight condoms.

I remove my arm immediately and crumble to the floor out of sheer embarrassment.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!


(1) and (2) are my school friends, so I don't really hang out with them after school.

Maybe because we have our own lives, it's not because they're rude.

Yes, we catch each other outside of school but other than that, none of us hang out as a trio.

I have my own friends outside of school, and so do they.

Even if that does include Geto and Gojo...

Well if I think about it, (1) and (2) hang out outside of school because of their mutual friends.

I don't know if I'm envious, jealous or left out but regardless I don't have much of a chance.

I could ask them to hang out and I manage to fit myself into their whole group. But that idea is a bit too far-fetched I guess.


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