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  When Yang Honglin said this, the faces of Qu Shiheng people  standing outside the iron gate all looked very bad.

  On the one hand, they looked at Yang Honglin with angry eyes; on the other hand, they secretly blamed Qu Yimin, the eldest daughter of the Qu family.

  It was all because Qu Yimin was willful and insisted on letting them leave the Xiangcheng base to deliver the teleportation tickets.

  As a result, they exposed themselves like this.

  How can they bring supplies to City E now?

  Not being able to bring supplies was second of all, but mainly their family members, who were still being held in Qu Shiheng's hands.

  If they cannot bring supplies back to City E, their families will encounter unexpected events.

  So who is to blame for all this?

  It's all Qu Yimin's fault.

  Except for Qu Yimin, these people did not dare to openly show their faces to anyone in the Xiangcheng base.

  Someone whispered in a sinister voice:
  "I told you, don't let us send out teleportation tickets, what kind of temper do you have, one person broke the entire cargo chain." The voice of these words, It was very small, but they don't know if it was intentional or not, but Qu Yimin heard it.

  Qu Yimin was entangled with Yang Honglin through an iron gate.

  She asked Yang Honglin to put her into the Xiangcheng base immediately.

  But Yang Honglin ignored her.

  Qu Yimin took out her cell phone angrily and said, "Okay, just wait for me. I want to tell my brother to drive out all the survivors who came to us from the Xiangcheng base out of our E-city base."

  " From now on, our E City Base will never accept survivors from your Xiangcheng Base."

  She thought that in this way, she could threaten the Xiangcheng Base.

  In the end, Yang Honglin spread his hands and said it didn't matter at all.

  The Xiangcheng Base will never be destroyed. Those survivors who were deceived by false news will go to the E City Base to seek abuse, and the Xiangcheng Base will not be able to control them.

  The legs are on the bodies of the survivors. Does the Xiangcheng Base still care about where those survivors go after leaving the Xiangcheng Base?

  Human beings are selfish by nature, and Hua Mi and others have no control over the lives of the survivors in the Xiangcheng base.

  What do the survivors who left the Xiangcheng base do?

 When Yang Honglin said this, Qu Yimin was shocked.

  She found that inside the Xiangcheng base, both the garrison and the police were deviated from her traditional understanding of public servants.

  Yang Honglin is a policeman, but he doesn't care about the safety of the survivors at the E City base?

  Is he still worthy of being a police officer?

 Qu Yimin doesn't believe this evil.

  Under the painful gaze of Qu Shiheng's people, Qu Yimin tore up another teleportation ticket to be sent back to the Xiangcheng base.

  She crossed the iron gate.

  Yang Honglin raised his hands helplessly, and two policemen stepped forward, took Qu Yimin's arms, and dragged Qu Yimin out of the Xiangcheng base.

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