The End.

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Jane sat behind her desk. The last two years crept up on her. She had a life by the horns. She heard the faint sound of car doors shutting.

"Momma!" A little boys voice rang out.
Jane and Maura had just married and wanted children. Which wasn't a surprise. They had been together a year and Maura said she was ready.

Two weeks after their honeymoon, which was sex filled, they applied with an adoption agency. No less than three weeks later did they meet a little boy, Ali. His mother had given him up and he was bounced around until Jane and Maura.

"He looks so much like you Jane."

Jane looked down at the boy by her leg.

"Hey buddy, wanna go home?"

With a tiny nod they lead their son to his new, permanent home.
"Hey Ali. Where's Mommy?"

"Her in the car. She stomach so big because of the baby." He laughed.

Maura came in seconds later, her slight waddle causing Jane to light up.

"Hey honey. Are you ready?"

Jane placed a soft kiss to Maura's cheek. "Yup. My mother said she'd have dinner ready."

After six months together, Maura asked Jane to go with her to Boston. Reluctantly she agreed. While there she got the courage to take Maura to her mother's home.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The growing family pulled into the massive home. They had just moved in. Jane still had her shop and added two more to the neighboring towns. Maura ran her practice from the house. Needless to say, it all worked. They loved and couldn't have been better.

"Jane, Maura, is that you?"

"Yeah Ma."

Angela, ever the Italian mother, was a new addition. To the Rizzoli-Isles clan. She watched Ali and helped Maura when she could.

"Ali my baby!"

"Hey, Nonna!"

"What do you say we get you washed up. I made gnocchi and garlic bread."

"Yay!" The boy celebrated.

Angela turned to the two women. "Dinner's ready. Jane make sure you keep the bread heated."

"Yes Ma."

"You know Jane. We have two more months before all this quite will be gone." Maura said.

"I don't mind."

Jane talked the heavens. She tanked Hoyt and Riley and her unborn child. Though she'd never forget them, they brought her Maura, Ali and her baby girl.

"Jane are you coming." Maura called.

"Yeah." Jane looked to the sky. "Thank you." She simply said and joined her family.
Ok so this is the end. Shity I know. I really just want to focus on Catch and Release. It's easier to do my own work than change others. Thanks to all who read.

Much love


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