3) Picture

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Floyd pov

I woke up to another of the usual days, getting my essence sprayed onto Velvet for either her recording sessions or shows, eat, sleep, and live in a diamond prison. Okay I do appreciate Veneer for feeding me, it was a very kind gesture that I had trouble trusting at first. I'm very grateful because I probably would've died soon from starvation. We also started to talk to each other more, I thought that he would be as worse as Velvet but it seems like he was the complete opposite. He listened to me instead of shutting me up by shaking the bottle.

I heard some noise from the other room, it was like...shouting? I watched as Veneer walked in the room with Velvet following behind him with a very pissed face.

"Veneer! How many times do I to fucking tell you, we CAN NOT let him go! Do you want to be living on the streets?! Dressed in rags and dirt and begging for scraps?! Or rather worse in prison?! WE CANT LOSE THIS, ITS OUR OPPORTUNITY TO FINALLY GET OUT OF THE MISERABLE LIFE WE LIVED IN THE PAST!"

"Velvet, please!" Veneer pleaded "Y-you don't understand! The guilt is eating me up inside!" "Oh stop it Veneer! You're just overreacting!"
I can't help but feel bad watching them argue about me, I felt a weird feeling, it was as if I had already felt this way before.

The voices of them fighting were muffling as I was getting flashbacks of when Brozone was breaking up, everyone was arguing about the perfect family harmony that we failed to achieve on our last performance together. Shouting over here, shouting over there, I remember how John, Spruce, and Clay were going their separate ways...The feeling made me sick and I had to leave Branch behind. I feel so guilty for leaving a literal baby to take care of our grandma. I promised him to come back when Im better but, I couldn't bring myself to him, I just can't. I'm probably gonna be dying soon and I still wont be able to fulfill my promise...what kind of older brother am I?...

"Yes Veneer I know that! That's why I forged a letter written in Floyd's name to send to Brozone, so that we have more trolls to use instead of this worn out piece of crap, it's gonna be useless soon! You know it!"

VELVET WROTE A LETTER TO THEM?! No no no no no they're gonna come here then get trapped like me and they'll be used too...oh no...I need to do something to stop them!


Velvet slapped him hard, and Veneer held his hand to his now reddish cheek. "Don't raise your voice at me Veneer. I do everything for you, and this is how you repay me" "V-Velvet...w-wait WAIT IM SORRY I-" I watched as Velvet left the room. Veneer started to cry as he gets on his soft bed. "Why wont y-you understand me Velvet...I'm trying to save you from this rabbit hole!"

Listening to Veneer's soft sobs felt like hours, normally I'd hate it when someone cries around me, but this felt different, I felt pity for him...

"Veneer?..." I tried to get his attention, I wanted to comfort him, "Y-yes Floyd?..." he replied to me quietly "Are you okay?...if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." He faced me then got up, picking up the bottle I was in then holding it closer to him. "I..I'm sorry.."he started to break down in tears again "No Veneer, don't be sorry-" "Yes I should Floyd!...i-if I just could've did something before it was too late I could've saved you from this! It's my fault why you're suffering!!" "It wasn't your fault, it was Velvet's, she's the one who kidnapped and tortured me, not you..please don't blame yourself Veneer..don't let her words get to your head!..." he looked at me with a smile and tears in his eyes "I don't deserve your forgiveness, Floyd" he sadly chuckled "Yes you do" I replied with a smile.

Veneer's Secret || FloyneerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora