17) Red Carpet

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Loud and excited cheers of the fans can be heard even from miles away at the Rage Dome, the paths of the road having multiple traffic jams, each and every Mount Rageon eager to get to the venue before the event starts. Say, it was quite a while since the last time they were so proud and excited for such a show.

"Everyone! Put your hands up for the Lifer award recipients! Velvet and Veneer!"

A fancy luxury vehicle pulled up to the entrance of the building, catching everyones attention. Velvet stepped out of the car, and onto the fancy red carpet, with the driver assisting her in her actions.

"Hello everyone!" the celebrity cried out, waving her hand enthusiastically gaining some more cheers and 'I love you Velvet's' from the audience.

But not all of the audience was too happy yet, they instantly noticed a significant absence. They waited a few more moments, hoping that another lookalike figure would come too, from maybe another vehicle? But no one else came.

The host ran towards her with his personal star camera following behind him,"Heyy Miss Velvet! It's so nice to see you again!" "It's nice to see you again Kid Ritz!"

"Say, as the very first Mount Rageon singer Lifer award recipient, how do you feel about such an accomplishment?"

"First of all, I feel so happy because I never knew that one day, I- I would be able to walk on the red carpet and come this far into the industry-" Velvet expressed her words with exaggeration, hand fanning herself while crying fake tears. "I'm- I'm so grateful, that's why I'd like to thank you all, because without you guys' support, I'd never be here right now!"

The audience once again cheered, "Haha yes yes, tonight, Mount Rageous is gonna be so loud and proud of our own successful people, we would like to congratulate you!" "Thank you thank you, it is my pleasure!" 

"And, well, as you see, we are all so excited to hear you and your brother's performance, right guys?" Ritz looked around while the crowd agreed. Then he kept looking for something, or someone in particular, his eyes specifically on the road making sure he's not going to embarrass himself with just a curious question that will only be answered. But said person has already took a while and he didn't arrive yet as he should already be."Well, speaking of Veneer, where is he?" He chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, my brother-" Velvet cleared her throat before answering, "I know it was a last minute decision, but unfortunately, he won't be able to attend because he doesn't feel too well to be here in person so I'm going to represent for the both of us tonight- I'm sorry for not telling you all sooner..."

The crowd let out an 'awhh' as most of them were big Veneer fans, Kid Ritz being one himself was very disappointed too. "I see I see, I hope he gets better soon-"


A voice shouted out, catching the attention of everyone to the source of the noise. "I beg your pardon?" The host was dumbfounded to see an Armadillo bus and a paper looking creature, while Velvet's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat upon seeing them.

The fuck?! How did they get out?!

She glared daggers at her assistant, so sharp they could pierce through the other, who was trembling from nervousness. She knew damn well it was her fault why they escaped. She was gonna be so fucked.

"Yup! You heard my brother right! Velvet is a liar! A fraud!-" "-Yeah! She trollnapped our brother to steal his talent because she doesn't have her own!-" "-And guess what?! The reason why her brother couldn't attend, is because she's holding him captive too!"

The crowd audibly gasped as mutters and chatters started everywhere, the star cameras facing from the trolls to the now suspicious mount rageon.

"Ha- hahaha- ha, that's a good one, a good one," Velvet awkwardly chuckled, "Don't listen to what they say everyone! These trolls don't know what they're saying! They're just trying to ruin my image!" she shouted, making sure that everyone can hear her, "I'm not a bad person, I'm not a fraud! I can't even hurt a fly, if I can't, how much more could I bring myself to trollnap? Why do you accuse me of such things? You're just causing a scandal!" She cried out, acting like the victim in this situation. Most of the fans bought her act and she could not be more grateful than ever to have attended drama classes back then in her school years.

"Yeah, falsely accusing someone of such things could get you in jail you know? Velvet can file a case against you of perjury!" Kid Ritz defended, which gave the celebrity a wave of relief for the host taking her side.

"We won't be the one behind bars tonight! If anyone, it's that big-, that big green ugly phony!" Poppy shouted, pointing accusingly at the female.

"Quit the drama you little pipsqueak! You're wasting our time with your whines! You don't even have proof with what you're saying! Just scram!" Velvet snapped.

"We are NOT leaving until you give us back our brother! And we do have proof! You all don't believe us?! Check her shoulder pads! They are imprisoned there!"

Velvet stiffened at the mention, quickly covering the diamonds on her shoulders as the drones started flying toward her to check the accessory.

"I- uh- I- gotta go now! Ha- bye!" Velvet stammered as she ran towards the vehicle, harshly pushing the driver aside as she got into the driver's seat, then quickly drove away.

"Come on guys! We gotta chase after her before she escapes!" Branch said, motioning the others to get in Rhonda with him. "Crimp you should call the cops!" Poppy told the assistant before they drove off. "On it Miss Poppy!" Crimp exclaimed, before rushing off, leaving the crowd there speechless.

"Oh- well- that was interesting!" Ritz chuckled awkwardly.

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