10) Breakfast

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Hi guys sorry for taking so long to update this story, I got writer's block and I'm losing ideas for chapter fillers...🙁
Also I'm starting to get cringed by this so uhm this story might have like around 5 more chapters until the ending 😭😭

Veneer pov

I went out of the bathroom in my new clothes and saw Floyd looking out the window. He looked pretty gloomy, did he not sleep much last night? I mean, if I had parts of my body turning into crystal I would be scared and stay up too. I sighed as I walked over to him. "Hey...are you feeling alright?" "I guess so..." He looked at me and I hummed in response. "You know, I wonder how are my brothers right now, especially Branch...he would be a big man by now" I nodded as he continued to look outside the window. "I miss them a lot, even though we would fight over silly things I love them very much, they were the only family I had...well, and my grandma too" he chuckled, even though I felt that deep down he was hurting. I felt bad for him, to be separated from his family for years must've been a big impact on him.

"You know," I started, "you're so lucky, it must've be very fun to have 4 brothers who love and support each other, unlike me...who's only an annoying burden of a brother..." "No Veneer, you're not... It's just that Velvet doesn't know how to appreciate you..." I nodded and hummed in response. "Sure...well, she does thank me sometimes. Doesn't that count as appreciation?" "You meant her sugar coated remarks?" "Are they?" "They're sarcasm, honey, do you even know how to identify it?" I shrugged.

We sat in silence in front of the window for a few minutes, until I thought about something. "Hey Floyd, what do you think your brothers would think of me when they meet me?" "I'm not really sure what exactly would they think, it's been 20 years since I last met them." He broke his eye contact with the view outside and looked at me, "Why'd you ask?" "Mmh just curious, y'know, cuz maybe they'll kill me once they find out I'm the brother of their brother's trollnapper..." I said with a bit of nervousness. As much as I was very excited to meet them, because obviously they're my favorite band especially during my childhood, I felt afraid to meet them. What if they push me away and I just embarrass myself? That would be my worst nightmare!

"Don't look at yourself that way Veneer, you are yourself and that's why I love you..." I blushed at the compliment, "Well, they do seem like the protective type...If that happens though I won't allow it, don't worry..." I smiled at his cute defense plan for me, which also earned a smile from the other.

"Food's ready!" I heard my mom call, oh how I really missed those words. I looked at Floyd and he nodded, giving me permission to pick him up. I went out my room with him in my hand and headed downstairs. I saw my parents at the table and approached them. I sat on one of the chairs and put Floyd on one too.

There were pancakes and egg for breakfast. "Wow, this looks very nice" I said as I took a bite out of the pancake. It was topped with some berries and chocolate syrup, which actually was my favorite when I was younger! I'm surprised they remembered it! "Sorry if it's not as good as the expensive food that you and your sister would have, considering you guys are wealthy" my mom worried, "No ma, it's fine, I'm not a picky eater. Besides, it's always the priceless foods that taste the best," I reassured her. "Aw you're always as humble as you used to be!" I smiled at them then continued to eat.

I cut a small portion of my pancake with a small blueberry and gave it to Floyd, who took it from me and nibbled on it. He was so adorable as always!

"I missed it when we used to eat altogether as a family" my mom said, "it's such a shame we didn't do it a lot before, mostly because me and your mother would go to work early..." my dad added, "it would be better if Velvet was here..." "probably not," I spoke up, "she hated it here...her presence would only ruin our day..."

"Speaking of Velvet," my dad started, "how's she doing? Well, aside from the stuff we see on social media." I hesitated a bit before answering, "Not so good, she's being aggressive almost all the time." "Oh..." my mom frowned. "I'm guessing it's because of the troll essence, you know how bergens would go crazy and do anything for more when they eat a troll and call it 'happiness'...in the same way, Velvet is going insane"

It became quiet for a while as we were eating until we were interrupted by a ringtone, which I identified was mine. I excused myself and went to my room. I picked up the ringing phone and it was Velvet calling. I just already know what she's going to say. I sighed and answered the call.

"VENEER!! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE TROLL!!" Her usual loud and aggressive voice rang through the phone speakers. "Bro, I don't fucking know. Maybe you misplaced him or maybe he ran off or something-" "-and who did I put in charge of keeping it?? ITS YOU RIGHT?! YOUR'RE SO IRRESPONSIBLE VENEER!! You are fully aware that the Rage Dome concert is in like, 3 days and it's been FUCKING WEEKS and damned Brozone still hasn't been here to rescue their whiny brother! You know how this will end up if they don't come in time! VENEER ARE YOU HELPING THAT TROLL ESCAPE?! IF THAT DAMN TROLL IS GONE I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!! WHERE EVEN THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" "Chill Velvs, I'm just at a friend's-" "As if you have any." "Fine, fine, I'm at mom and dad's..." "Oh. My. God. Veneer." She continued to babble about how I shouldn't be here and that I better return with Floyd blah blah blah. I was getting tired of her so I simply just dropped the call. She can rage over it at home. Lol.

I put back down my phone and headed back into the dining room.

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