11) Change of Plans

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Veneer pov

The day went on pretty fast. Not very much happened. Just some random chit chats about life when me and Velvet left. We didn't really keep in touch ever since that moment because it seemed like my parents tried hard to contact us but Velvet blocked their numbers on our phones, making us unreachable. I bet that Velvet's reason is 'I don't wanna hear their nosy asses bothering and messing with our decisions anymore, we're grownups now'. Unfortunately, I didn't know that they were blocked until I checked it earlier, no wonder I didn't receive anything from them.

So when they saw us first on tv, they were very surprised of how far we've come. Social media and news were the only ways they could get updates on our life life everyone else.

They asked me about how it all happened and I told them every detail. I explained to them that when me and Velvet released our first song, we gained fame overnight, because "we were one of the few mount rageons who are able to sing"

You see, Mount Rageous is a place mostly known for our partying and advanced high technology. Almost EVERY device that can access the internet was invented and bought from here. Other than that, it's also known for our famous tv shows and business entertainment companies. Mount rageons love music, that's why we greatly appreciate the trolls. Yet although it's quite the contrary, we aren't very known for having the talent to sing. It's actually pretty rare for a mount rageon having the ability to sing because our voices are uncontrollable. But just because we're not known for singing doesn't mean we can't. I'm sure there are also some few mount rageons out there who achieved it by practice and patience, which is another thing we don't normally have. I was already born with a natural talent to sing since it's perks from my trolls genes so I didn't have any problem unlike my sister.

Anyways, my dad explained to us that in order to replenish Floyd's essence, he should be living back in troll village along with all the other trolls. I'm happy because in that way Floyd would be free from Velvet's malicious intentions, but at the same time it makes me sad because that would mean that we would be separated from each other.  Apparently this routine called 'hug time' is one of the ways to help his condition because of another troll rubbing their essence on him when they hug, which I think is kinda weird but okay...

I may be part troll but I only know a few basic things like, well, how to control my hair. I remember the first time I turned into a troll, I was like 4 years old. I couldn't remember how it exactly happened but I woke up as a small creature. My dad found me crying under my bed. He already knew that it would happen one day. I remember how he calmly explained to me the situation he went through too before and how he taught me how to control my shape shifting. It took me a lot of time and practice to hide this ability of mine from others who can take advantage, even Velvet herself for example. Because even when she is younger she already had the attitude that she would do anything to get what she wants. My dad already knew that it would be best to keep this from her. So basically, only me, my mom, and my dad knew about this.

Despite living as a mount rageon, I also really wanted to experience the life as a troll too. I always wondered what do trolls do aside from singing and dancing and hugging? What does their community look like? How do they reprodu- ehem. I mean, I do wanna know because it's for educational purposes...

I gotta be honest, I'm pretty disappointed that school didn't had any subjects regarding trolls. I was hoping that I could learn more about it just in case I would decide to live as a troll in the future but no, they didn't provide the education I needed AND wanted the most. Thanks, school, really.

Anyways, right now I'm going to prepare for bedtime. Actually it's just around before 8 so it's pretty early for my normal bedtime but I don't care. I felt kinda tired which is pretty weird because I didn't do a lot of activities today compared to my normal daily routines, well I'm guessing it's because I probably didn't sleep a lot last night worrying about Floyd. I didn't really take track of the time.

I went over to my closet and opened it, revealing some clothes and stuff I didn't bring with me when we moved out. It was a good decision that I didn't bring all of them because Velvet threw away almost all our stuff before we moved into our expensive apartment.

I changed into my old pajamas which surprisingly still fit on me, but it kinda makes sense because Velvet always makes me go on proper diets to help me stay fit even though I have fast metabolism...

I looked at myself in the mirror and felt the nostalgia rush through me. I remember that I used to steal some of Velvet's dresses and skirts and try them on when she's not home, posing in front of this mirror. One time she walked in on me and she was furious yet amused. When she cooled down she decided to give me some of her dresses that she thinks are old and ugly.

I sighed as I tied my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. On my lock screen it showed that there were a few texts and missed calls from Velvet which I chuckled at and just cleared them. I sat down on my bed with my phone still in my hand, scrolling through my social media.

My notifications were booming as I was tagged in so many posts of our upcoming concert at the Rage Dome. I just remembered that I should be practicing for it with Velvet but, I don't think it would be necessary because I'm going to have a change of plans.

I heard the door creak open and I looked to my side to see that it was just Floyd coming in. He was dressed in some troll sized clothes that my mom crocheted for him earlier. I smiled and put down my phone back on the bedside table. "Heyy" I said, awkwardly dragging out the y. He smiled at me as he closed the door then went over to me, I picked him up from the floor then put him beside me."So, uhm, I want to, uh, talk to you about something..." I started, "Yeah, what's up?" He curiously asked. I'm kinda nervous about telling this to him because I know that this will affect my future but, I know that on the other side, this will be the best for him. For us.

"I was thinking about this for a while, and..." I sighed, "I'm going to help you escape and get back to troll village"

"Wait, no...really?!" He perked up in excitement and I hummed and nodded in agreement. "Even though you don't say it, I know that you miss it there, I know you really miss your brothers, that's why I'm going to bring you back there!" He looked a bit saddened, which made me kinda confused. Did he not like the idea?

"Veneer..." he started, "I don't think all my brothers live in trolls village anymore..." I looked at him in confusion which made him continue, "You see, when we broke up, we all went our separate ways... John Dory went to live in the Neverglade Trail, I heard that Spruce was in Vacaytion Island, Clay was unheard from ever since the last trollstice, I went on my own to start my solo career, which failed, and Branch... I actually don't even know what happened to Branch nor grandma!" He panicked, and I tried to calm him down."It's okay Floyd, we can find them..."

"Wait, what about you?" he asked, looking up to me, "Oh, me? I'm...going to trolls village with you" I said, "What?- but how- what about Velvet?? You're going to leave her here?? What about your concert??" "Don't worry about that, the concert is going to be cancelled. I'm going to quit and leave everything behind..."

He looked down and I felt that something was bothering him. "I feel bad that you're trying to adjust for me..." "Don't feel bad Floyd, I'm only trying to make it up to you for Velvet's mistakes...and besides, I wanna try out a new lifestyle..." Floyd looked at me with a confused face, "A new lifestyle?...what do you mean?..."

The atmosphere felt tense as I faced him and tried to gain courage. I feel nervous that he might think bad about me but I knew that I had to tell him one day.

"Floyd, there's something I have to tell you..." I reluctantly started. I took a deep breath before I said the words I hope I won't regret saying.

"I'm half-troll"

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