7) "Normal" Morning

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3rd Person pov

Veneer woke up to the loud alarm clock ringing like there's no tomorrow, rays of sunlight were shining from his window, gracefully resting on his face.

He groaned as he sat up to turn it off. He looked to his side and saw the little magenta haired troll sleeping comfortably beside him. Veneer blushed at his cuteness as he remembered what happened last night, kissing him under the stars... admiring each other under the moonlight... he couldn't stop thinking about it!

He covered his face with his hands and grabbed a pillow as he screamed into it while kicking his legs, which made Floyd wake up a bit.  Veneer looked to his side and realized he was waking up his now little boyfriend, only making him blush even more, but this time of embarrassment. Floyd's eyes fluttered open as he yawned. He looked up to see the mount rageon.

"Good morning Veneer..." "Good morning!..." "Why get up so early?...let's go back to sleep..." the little troll slurred, dragging out the e, which made Veneer giggle, "oh Floyd, I actually do have things to do today...I have to finish the designs for next week's concert at the Rage Dome..." Floyd let out a little 'hmph' and Veneer sighed. "I'm gonna go get breakfast" "okay..."

The green haired rageon got up and headed to the dining room, who was greeted by Crimp on the way. "Good morning Mr. Veneer!! W-what would you like for breakfast?" "Just eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee would be nice" "got it!" The little orange assistant hurriedly went to the kitchen to prepare.

Veneer entered the dining room and saw Velvet eating with her attention on her phone. She noticed her brother's presence and glared daggers at him, which made him nervous. "Veneer." He flinched and stood straight at his sister's cold and serious call of his name. "Heyyy Velvsss!!" He chuckled nervously. Velvet only stared at him.

"Mind explaining, this?" She held up her phone to show him the photos that were taken last night at the Starbucks shop. It was the ones of him talking to Dylan outside it too."W-what's wrong with it? I- uh- i-its just, uhm..." he was at a loss of words. "Why did you go out without telling me, trying to cause a scandal with your petty ex?? What are you?! Trying to get yourself in trouble?! Trying to ruin our reputation?! Huh?!" "No Velvs! I-it's not like that!-" "You think I wouldn't know about that huh?! You going out late at night?? And that damn troll is not in the perfume bottle- ARE YOU TRYING TO HELP HIM ESCAPE??!!" She shouted angrily, making Veneer flinch. Tears started to grow in his eyes, "N-no..." "ARE YOU REALLY THAT DESPERATE TO LET HIM GO?! Well guess WHAT?! IF YOU DO SO, WE'LL LOSE EVERYTHING. YOU HEAR THAT?! EVERYTHING!! ALL THOSE BULLSHIT THAT WE WORKED HARD FOR!!" She grabbed the plate and threw it towards Veneer, which he dodged and it instead hit the wall, breaking into pieces. "I-I'm sorry Vel...-" "I'm sorryy!!" Velvet imitated and scoffed, "Well guess what. Your, 'sorry', doesn't fucking fix anything." Veneer tried hard to hold back the tears, but he immediately failed. "Ugh, shut up with your stupid crybaby act! It's annoying me!" Her words only made his sobs worse. She groaned and left the dining room in frustration, kicking the broken plate with her diamond heels.

Veneer went over to the table and sat down on one of the chairs as he continued to cry. He hated himself for being sensitive. He hated himself for crying over small things. He wished that he would just disappear.

Crimp came over to him with his breakfast in her hands. She set it on the table and went closer to the crying mount rageon. "Hey, sorry for what happened Mr. Veneer, uhm...here's your breakfast!" Veneer looked at her and smiled softly "Thanks Crimp..." she nodded and left.

Veneer sniffled as he poked his food, wiping away his tears with his sleeve, but started to eat it later on.

15 minutes later...

Floyd heard the crashing sound and it made him worried, but he couldn't go out of the room and go to him because if he gets caught by Velvet he already knew what she would do.

Veneer walked in with a with a plate of muffins in his hand. "Veneer!" "Heyy!!" The green haired boy sat down on his bed beside the little one. The magenta haired troll couldn't help but notice that his eyes were reddish, was he crying? He thought. "What happened back there?" Veneer looked at him and hesitated a bit before answering. "Oh, it was nothing...just the usual, y'know..." Floyd frowned at the response, he hated it when they would fight, it would always remind him...of that...

"Muffin?" "Yes?" Floyd blushed at the nickname, "Oh, I-I meant if you wanted a muffin..." Veneer chuckled and blushed too as he was holding up one, "Oh..." the little troll's face flushed with with embarrassment "So...do you want one?" He nodded quickly and looked away. Veneer broke a part of the chocolate chip muffin and gave it to the him, which he took and ate immediately. "Wow this tastes so good!" "I know, it's one of my favorite desserts, I really like the blueberry ones" he broke another piece and gave it to him.

The mount rageon stood up and grabbed his sketchbook and pencil from his vanity. He sat back down on his bed and rested his back comfortably on it. "What's that?" Floyd asked as he went towards him. "Hm, just some designs im working on of our outfits for the show" "Can I see?" "Okay" he tilted the sketchbook to show it to him "woah, that's actually, very beautiful!" The troll said, astonished "No it's not! it's not even finished!" "Whatever you say, I think you're very talented at that" "Really?" "Mhm!" "Thank you...I liked to design clothes and dresses when I was a teenager, but when I showed it to my friends, they told me that...it looked hideous...so I got embarrassed and stopped designing..." "Don't listen to them, they're only jealous because you're talented at what you like to do" Veneer blushed at the compliment and smiled.

He sure do knows how to make me feel better

"By the way..." Floyd said shyly, "I don't mind if you call me muffin..." "Sure..."

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