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*BEEP BEEP* The obnoxiously annoying and loud hotel alarm clock.

"Oh shut UUPP" I say to myself.

The sun rays wept into the room, onto my face. I had a feeling that I needed to remember something, I just hadn't the slightest idea what. I knew I had plans with Walker, but there was something else... OH YEAH. Despite the fact that I was up until half past ten, The gang had an interview today. We didn't touch much on it at dinner the night before, but it was scheduled for–Eleven was it? I check the clock, forgetting that I set the alarm too.

9:47 AM.

I texted Ellie about it. She said it was at eleven, so I had about enough time to get ready, I just needed to start asap. Quickly jumping out of bed, I rummaged through my unorganized suitcase to find an outfit, of course before remembering I had one folded nicely in the bathroom for me to change into.

After changing–I met Ellie in the lobby.

"How long is the interview supposed to be anyway?" I ask

"You ask as if I know" she laughs "I'm joking, we shouldn't be in there more than two hours"

I nod and twiddle with a coin I found in my pocket. 1998 quarter, printed in Denver. Nice.

The elevator pings, Oscar and Martie step out. "How are my favorite idiots?" Oscar says, walking past us to the SUV outside.

"Ha, say's you" I yell, as we follow him outside.

*time skip brought to you by my impatient butt*


As we walked into the studio, I felt very uneasy. Maybe it was just really cold I dunno...

"Hey everyone! Thanks for coming, you can sit on the couch there." A woman said, in a welcoming tone.

"Now, you guys ready? We have a lot of questions to get through" she laughed, sitting down in a small chair in front of us.

We all nod. The woman then pulls out a bulky clipboard. Questions list? She wasn't joking when she said she had a lot of questions for us.

"So, starting off strong. Where were you all born?"

We all answered In a line, Ellie, Oscar, me, then Martie.

"I was born in New Mexico. We lived down there until I was eight, then moved to NYC"

"Uhh, Greenport, New York."

"I was born in *anywhere idc haha <3*

"A hospital," Martie laughed, so did the interviewer.

As the interview went on, the questions got more obscure and personal. Not in a creepy way though. Some of my favorites were the ones that were actually about music. "When did you learn x/instrument" etc.

"Now, what advice would you give to new singers?"

I look at Martie. Neither of us knew what to say. I just went with it "Before you actually release an album, sing at charities and small music festivals. It gets people's attention and you'll have a higher sell rate for your music when you start out."

"Gets you an audience," Martie added.

"That's amazing. Next section–or genre of questions I guess you could call it." the woman said, flipping the papers on her chunky clipboard. "What's your dating history? Fourteen to sixteen are pretty influential ages"

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