31-🕷With great power comes great...tarantula

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Current events: we're at a rest stop a couple miles out from San Francisco. It smells like dust and my eyes hurt. A windy day. Quite...quite windy. So Windy in fact, I'm afraid Ellie and Walker got swept up like fencing does during your average tornado. Actually they're inside the bus. Aryan is too. He claims his hair "can't handle the forces of nature. Specifically rain and wind" so I'm getting some quiet time. Not that that's possible when a bassist and a Mexican start arguing. (Based on real events-I'll tell y'all at the bottom lmao) I think Oscar's just tired. Martie on the other hand seems a little on edge today. But that's probably because of the rescheduling.

But you don't know what I mean- Fact is, Mrs. Quinn called us this morning. She called to tell us that vogue rescheduled and needs us there in a matter of two days. Two days. I bet you can already see the giant grin on my face. I know Walker could. Let's just say I wasn't too happy when Mrs. Quinn called.

"Martie, what's that in your hair?" Oscar asked

The guitarist was leaning against the purple bus "shut up would ya?"

"Martie...Don't move..." I whispered, taking notice of the massive spider on his head.

He sighed reluctantly "Yeah yeah sure" and walked into the bus.

I rubbed my temple "he is so dumb"

Screams followed my comment "SPIDER" and "AAAAAAHHHHH" were the most used terms. Along with "F***" "Oh H*ll NAH" and "I'm gonna K*ll it!" as said by Liv

Oscar and I stood outside, waiting as it went down. "So ya like jazz?" he joked

Moments later Aryan stepped outside the bus with a paper bag. His expression was annoyed and deathly tired. "Who wants a pet tarantula?"

"Is there actually a tarantula in there?" Oscar laughed, his face turning white in practical fear. The bassist stepped behind me. "Where are you uh...going to put that"

I laughed. Though I'll admit...I was also pretty terrified of the venomous spider in...the weak paper bag in...Aryans hands....But I played it like I wasn't scared. (That was stupid)

"You're not scared of tarantulas?" Aryan asked

Heart dropped to the ground, melted through the core of the earth, straight into the underworld and straight into a black hole. Yay

"Well I-"

"Cool, you get rid of it then" Aryan held the bag out to me.

There is no way I'm actually going to take that bag.

But I did. I took the bag from his hands with no hesitation. My heart was actually pounding.

I walked over to a small bush away from the road. As much as I hated spiders, I didn't want it to die. My hands trembled as I opened the top of the paper. I held it upside down and let it fall out. The spider was huge and terrifying . The creature had brown furs all over its body and crawled away into the bush. I let out a sigh and stood up. "Bye you scary little baby" I chuckled as the adrenaline slowly faded away in my system.

Maybe the situation wasn't as crazy as I thought. But either way, I was glad it was over with. Oscar sighed "Somebody has to knight you like right now. You can be sir y/n. Because damn was that brave" he laughed

"Your actions are greatly appreciated" Aryan bowed.

I couldn't help but chuckle "This has been quite the trip hasn't it?"

"You can say that again" Olivia yelled from the purple bus "Please accompany us on the hideous bus Sir y/n. Our departure to Canada must begin before sundown"

I loved how they were playing into the knight thing.


After everyone got back on the bus and Bobby had already started driving up towards the border ( the seattle border in this case)

I sat with Walker again (as always teehee) and leaned against his side. We talked about what we wanted our dream homes to look like and our dream cars. The topic faded into Aryan explaining why his life would be complete once he bought a yacht. But I must have fallen asleep because Aryan threw a pillow in my face after what felt like hours.

"Ugh seriously?" I laughed.

Martie was tossing a ball in the air "No coupley stuff in the purple turd madam"

"What did I do?" Walker scoffed

"Leave room for Jesus!" Oscar yelled from the back of the bus

I laughed and played into it "Oh yeah I forgot Jeusus wanted to lean on your shoulder, Walker. My bad"

"How long until Seattle?" I asked after Martie wheezed at my joke.

"We're already in Canada" Ellie yawned

(No you may not ask how that works. I am the author and have free reign over everything here. Plus I have exams to study for <3)

"So how long till Vancouver?" Oscar interrupted

"About an hour"

Geez was I asleep for sixteen years?


Hi pookie bears omg how are y'all?

Wc- 849

Question of the day...Do you like spiders? And are you afraid to pick them up?

I'm not. Except for Tarantulas :(


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