25-《☆》Martie can't cook

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After packing up, I met Liv and Ellie downstairs. I was still pretty tired, but we had a schedule. Els said our next big stop is Calistoga. We'll stop at some small places, I just think she's eager to see the orchards. And I must admit, they are pretty. It's just a long drive.

Aryan and Oscar were still asleep when we got on the bus. Even after Ellie dropped her fifty pound suitcase onto the couch and fell onto the floor...Deep sleepers I guess. Martie managed to get the stove working, I didn't even know there was one on the bus. But he pancakes. I think... They were really odd looking. Or maybe he wanted them to be insanely lumpy. And..Snail shaped? Must have been on purpose because it was pretty obvious what animal-or bug...insect? To take the appearance of a snail.

"Lumpy snail." I said, looking over his shoulder jokingly "Get any help? Online recipe, Physical instruction book, Walker perchance? Because I'm gonna be so honest here...this is nasty"

He turned around and frowned "My mom taught me, dingus"

"Obviously not well" I sighed. "Anyways, uh. Where is he?"


"That guy we picked up at the gas station. You know the one with the halloween mask and the machete" I paused and raised my eyebrows "Where's Walker, dumbass"

It took him a moment to process that "OH, he left with Bobbie twenty minutes ago. They're bringing bagels and stuff"

A random memory came to mind. 'Bad, bagel' *Y'all remember lolololol* I knew this was a perfect opportunity to bring up what happened with the Newt just last night.

"Oh actually that's perfect" I looked him dead in the eyes and just stared blankly. "A newt huh?"

He turned pale, even his tan couldn't hide the ghost-like appearance that he quickly developed. Even the spatula looked scared honestly.

He spoke "I swear we let it outside afterwards"

"Please don't do that to Walker ever again. It ruined my sleep and probably his ability to sleep like...ever" I joked "I'm being serious Martie."

He nodded quickly "Yeah yeah...Just tone down the pda."

"Fine, but don't act like you and Jasmine weren't worse."

He rolled his eyes and flipped his now burnt snail pancake. I probably shouldn't have brought her up, but he's being a hypocrite. "Practice what you preach" as Mrs.Brown says.


After Bobbie and Walker got back with Bagels, we started driving up to Calistoga. I was leaned against Walker's side, texting a friend back in NYC. The first half hour was fine, I'll admit though. It was tempting to fall asleep.

"Y/n?" Walker said in a concerned tone.

"Mhm?" I turned to face him.

"Remember when you hugged me and kissed my cheek at the Grammys?"

I got a little worried "They know?"

"They have assumptions."

"Is that a problem?"

"No, not really. Just a big surprise for them. I don't think anyone really expected us to even know each other either."

"Will this affect you negatively? Your career, popularity, reputation?"

➳༻That's Embarrassing༺➳Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora