22-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷNoodle Arms

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After the rest of the gang got settled in, everyone parked their bags near the back of the bus.

"There's only four bunks," Olivea said with a scared tone

"We booked Airbnbs and Hotel rooms so we wouldn't all have to stay in the bus." Martie smiled, hauling his massive suitcase into the bus.

Olivea, Ellie and I shared the same look of excited grins.

"We get the hotels and Airbnb's. Guys get the bus." Ellie gave Martie a smug expression, wrapping Olivea and I into an awkward hug.

"You don't know what you're missing."

"We have many explanations for our decisions. For me, It's because nobody needs to see me when I've just woken up. Not a pretty picture let me tell ya." Ellie laughed

"I second that" I add

"I-Third? I third that" Olivea finished.

"Driver's back" Oscar yelled from the front of the bus.

He looked like an agent from MIB. Just the way he stood gave strong "I have a lightsaber in my pocket" vibes.

"Think he's bullet proof?" I whisper to Walker.

"Definitely. Six bucks he's like-Superman's long lost brother or something."

"You're on"

"Nah, he's totally like-real life Hercules. But with a lightsaber" Martie added. He must have overheard us

At this point, the both of us were trying to hold in our laughter. Walker started to turn purple and I held my hand to my mouth tightly and turned the other way.

"Dude, You're like...Hella jacked. How much can you lift?" Martie asked. Excitedly scooting closer to the bus driver.

"Deadlift? 272"

Martie looked a little disappointed. "Pounds?"


We all stared in awe at the superman, jedi warrior and federal agent bus driver of a dude. Walker and I shared a look, both of terror and utter awe. Then he changed it to a face that basically said "Where's my six bucks?". I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch, followed by Olivea and Oscar.

"That's.... Insane. Uh, what's your name sir?" Martie said, reaching his hand out to real life superman.

"Kent. Bobbie Kent. But you can call me Bobbie" He shook Marties hand.

I leaned over to Olivea and whispered in her ear "Did you know our driver was the long lost brother of Superman?"

She chuckled and shook her head. After the introduction, Mr. Kent-Or Bobbie as he mentioned, sat down in the driver's seat and changed his sunglasses. Navy blue cat eye sunglasses. I almost didn't notice Walker throwing himself onto the couch beside me.

"Hiya loser. Where's my six bucks?" He sat up and slung his arm around me like some sassy side character in an Adam Sandler movie.

"Up your ass sicko" I laughed and hit his arm.

"Ugh Rude."

"Where to first. I was told we were heading on a road trip." Bobbie yelled from the driver's seat as he pulled us towards the main road.

"Yosemite national park please" Ellie yelled as she put her headphones on.

"HELL YEAH" Martie yelled from the back, he was going to take a nap so he was in his bunk.

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