19-🌃 He would learn french for her

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*(The picture above is a view of the Hollywood sign FROM Lake Hollywood park. The address is the one below so you can find pictures to get a feel for it yourself yk? Literally so cool. also, thx for 15k+ ilysm everyone <3*

Address: 3160 Canyon Lake Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90068

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While the band was over, we basically just argued over Uno and made fun of Ellie's bad shuffling skills. I got straight greens, one round. And I thought I was bad at shuffling cards. Anyway, at about 6:30, I kicked them out to start getting ready. I was just like–"Okay, I'm outta here in an hour so y'all get skedaddling back to your rooms."

Outfit-checked, makeup-checked, bag-checked, yata yata- checked.

By the time I was ready to get going, It was already 7:15. Yaaay. I couldn't wait, the butterflies in my stomach more alive than ever before.

*Knock knock*

He's early. I look through the peephole before opening the door. I've seen too many crime shows to know not to just open a door willingly. Especially as a celebrity.

I freaked out a little because I didn't see Walker, whom I was fully expecting.But instead, it was Martie. Must have come back for his Uno cards. I open the door and decide to annoy him a little.

"Who are you"

"Kurt Cobain. I was reborn as a hot hispanic man. Ever wonder why I'm so good at guitar?"

"KURT COBAIN IS THAT REALLY YOU? I have your cards, come on in!" I say sarcastically, holding the door wide for him.

He slumped over and started singing that goofy Cobain song "beans"

"Beans beans beeeaans"

*If y'all don't know what I'm talking about. Please listen to it, You'll never be the same lmfaaaooo*

"So tell me, was it Countney all along?"

"I actually never died. I just got hella surgeries to look different and now I'm stuck in the body of an unbelievably hot Mexican teenager." Martie said sarcastically. Then continuing his beans ballad.

"No wonder our band is so popular." I laughed. "Is Ellie like the lost child of Dave Grohl then?"

"Shh, I can't tell all of our secrets!" He laughed as he wicked up the box of uno cards.

*knock Knock*

Oh shit, that's Walker. "Martie, hide, NOW" I say, pointing behind my bed.

He quickly shuffled over behind the bed, dropping almost completely to the floor. I then make a waving motion downwards as if to say "GET DOWN". He complied and disappeared behind the tightly tucked mattress.

I walked over to the door, quickly checking my outfit hair and makeup before checking through the peephole again. Ellie? What next? Oscar? Taylor swift? Hell THE POPE?

I opened the door and basically ripped Ellie out of the hallway into my room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HER?" I whisper yell. Giving her the "I don't have time for this" expression.

"Sorry. I accidentally took your gummies. I wanted to bring them back." she said, handing me my half empty bag of candy. "What's wrong?--Did Walker do something? I swear I'll jump his–" I cut her off. "Everythings fine. You just startled me" I lied. Fully knowing I didn't want her to say or do something if she saw Walker. Ellies is the type of person to kick someone's ass just because you asked them too. Loved that about her. We were really protective over each other. Same people, different fonts you know? I didn't want her to like, threaten him and scare him off.

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