Chapter 18: Six Feet Under

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I glared at the cat sitting across the room.

"Meaw." It said, lying on my window sill.

Tomorrow would be Sunday, the cat peed on my bed last night and made everything so very stinky. I had to sleep on the couch because of the stench, but I couldn't because my parents walked into the room butt naked as soon as I set my head on the couch. I kept my eyes shut as I walked out the balcony door onto a sandy climate.

I took long strides in the darness, making my way to my backyard beach.

It was silent and quiet and most importantly, no cats.

I shut my eyes and had dozed off to sleep, but this morning I woke up with sand in places that sand shouldn't be in.

I took off my shirt and shorts this saturday morning, trying to get the sand out of them, a crab had decided to try and snap at me this morning which woke me up at around 5, so I carried myself up, threw the mean crab into the ocean and shook the sand out of my clothes.

I walked straight to my room after that, my body ached because of the sand.

I stepped into my room, it smelled like a rat died in there because of the cat pee in my bed. I groaned, ignoring the smell and walking straight into my bathroom. Hopefully if anyone saw me walking home this morning, they would have thought I was in a bikini and not just my bra and underwear.

After my shower I sat on the windowsill, opening my window and throwing out the blankets and bedsheets. The cat decided it conquered my bed and peed on the mattress.

"Go away! You're disgusting!" I grabbed the cat, dragging it to the window. I planned on throwing it out but when my eyes met the sad, scared, yellow ones of the cat, I knew I couldn't do it. I knew I couldn't just throw an innocent creature out for just peeing on the bed. "Fine. You can stay."

"Meaw." It said.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're welcome, but stay off my bed." I felt stupid talking to an animal but it was actually more comforting than talking to a human. A cat would never tell people your secrets, a cat would never walk away when your talking to it, it would never insult you or get your name wrong.

I guess I'll keep it.


Knock. Knock.

I jogged down the stairs, hoping Christian was down their, I know I should be the one to apologize but I didn't want to.

Wasn't it the boy's job to win the girl back?

I unlocked the door. A tall burnette with curly hair stood in front of me. She had wide brown eyes and looked as though she could be a model.

"Hi!" She said in a cheery voice, "are you Pure?" She asked. I was getting skeptical.

"Y. . .Yeah." I stuttered, " who are you?"

"I'm Chloe." She smiled, holding her hand out for me to shake, "I'm Christian's sister."

"Why are you here? What's going on? Where's Christian? Is he ok?" I asked, panicking, why is his sister here? Did something happen to him?

"No silly," She smiled wider, humor in her eyes, "I wanted to ask if you'd go to our parents funeral today. "The bright smile turned downwards a bit. "I mean, Christian told me about his neighbor and how he trusted you and you were his. . ." She paused, not wanting to speak, " I mean, he talks about you a lot and I know it would mean a lot to him if you were there." I then realized that she was dressed in all black.

"When's the funeral?" I asked, looking at my pink shorts and white t-shirt.

"It's in a couple hours, I'll drive!" She grinned, "now go change." She smiled at me, "I'll wait in the car."

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