Chapter 40: Family Matters

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I published 2 parts today, this is part 2.

I stood in front of my houses front door. It didn't feel like my home any more. I didn't want to spend any time here.

I was about to walk in, pack my clothes, and prepare for Stanford by the end of this week.

The summer was about to start and I was extatic. I would spend it at Stanford, take some summer classes there. Niah had gotten accepted to UCLA, not too far away from my school since they were both in California.

Maybe things could change now.

"Pure!" My mom shouted as she walked out of the house wearing an apron and pajama pants. I had never seen her dressed this normally. She seemed almost like a real mom and she'd gotten my name right, "where have you been? You had us worried sick!" She rushed up to me hugging me tightly, pushing the air out of my lungs. "I can't believe you're going to Stanford, sweethearr, why didn't you tell me? That's amazing!" She pulled away. I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

"I didn't think you would care." I mummbled honestly.

"Of course I care! Pure,  seeetheart, you're my only daughter and I want you to know that I love you and I support your decisions!" This felt unreal. My mom has never told me she loved me before.

"I love you too mom." My voice shook a little as I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I was so happy, I hadn't thought my mom cared this much.

"Wow, my little girls all grown up, you're going to be a doctor right? I know you like to help people out." She smiled warmly as we walked into the house.

"Actually I was hoping to be the owner of my own busines." I smiled, "maybe even a hospital."

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart. And after my weekend a away getting married, I couldn't help but wonder what you were doing. I know I don't really show you how much I love you and I'm sure you know I love you. But I have some exciting news for you!"

We took a seat on the couches in the living room. She seemed happy today, I haven't seen her happy often.

"Yeah sure mom, what's up?" I smiled. Feeling as though I was the luckiest girl in the world.

"So yesterday I went to the doctor to get a checkup and I found out that I'm three months pregnant! "She squelch excitedly, "you're going to have a little brother!!"

Shock. That's all I felt at that very moment. I was truly shocked. It wasn't hard to assume that she'd end up pregnant one time or another. I mean, with all the sex she has with dad, it was bound to happen.

"I'm going to have a little brother?" I asked confused, my brain not registering the simple fact.

I just hope that when he's born, they won't treat him the way they did with me.

"Yes!" She smiled happily as the front door opened and walked in.

"Did you tell her?" Dad asked, a smile on his face. I'd never had a chance to look at Dad's face up close. He was pretty handsome for a fourty year old man.

"Yes! We're thinking of naming him Noah." They smiled. I almost choked on air. What?

"Mom," I laughed slightly, " Noah's my boyfriends name." I smiled.

"Oh, I knew I heard that name from somewhere!" She laughed, "I guess it would be pretty weird if your brother had the same name as your boyfriend huh?" She laughed as I grinned.


"Or Luke!" Dad chimed in giving mom an I win look.

I laughed, they were rather cute.

"So when is your graduation?" She asked.

"Well I have a presentation due tomorrow with Noah and then we graduate on Saturday.  I smiled excited.

"Wow! She's grown up fast," my dad said as he took a seat beside me on the couch, holding his arms open for me to hug. I hugged him, tears starting to rise to my eyes. This is the first time in my life that I've ever hugged my dad.

"Aw she's crying." Mom said. "Ok Daisy, I mean Pure." Mom laughed, :sorry I've gotten so used to calling you whatever is on my mind, Pure forgive me please." She said.

"Just don't do that to Luke." I laughed though sobbing tears on my face as mom reached over to join the group hug.

"I'll make sure she won't sweetheart. " Dad assured, patting my back.

It's moments like this that I realize that my life is pretty amazing.

Today has just been perfect.

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