Chapter 37: Projects and Presentations

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I watched him take a seat in my living room. I hadn't ever even sat in my living room, my parents were always in there doing nasty things.

It was strange how nice it was. We had black leather seats which were extremely cushioned and a large television hanging from the wall.

Speaking of my parents, where were they? I looked at my phone, then I stupidly realized that they never gave me their phone numbers. Wow.

There was only one picture plastered on the wall. A baby picture of me smiling in a bubble bath.

"So your parents are ok with me being here?" He asked, snapping me out of my daze as I turned my attention to him, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"I don't know where they are." I admitted, rubbing me eyes. It seemed every time I was around him I'd just woken up from my sleep.

"Did you call them?" He asked.

"I. . ." I bit my lip, taking a pause at admitting my embarrassment, "don't have their numbers." He gave me a surprised look that only lasted a couple seconds as he changed his expression to a warm smile.

"It's alright, they're probably going to be home soon." He reassured, as those words left his lips, all worry left me. I smiled at him. "So do you want to work on our project?" He asked as he took off his jacket and placed it on the side.

"Yeah, I'll go get my laptop and the list of stuff about you. " I grinned, suddenly feeling awkward, he made me speechless with his warm gray eyes, that I'd been trying so hard to avoid.

I walked into the living room with laptop in hand as I saw him standing beside a little shelf beside the television looking at something. I walked up beside him, a smile lit up my face. It was a picture of when we took a trip to Disneyland, I was four, we looked oh so happy.

"That was a long time ago." I said, laughing.

"So we should get started then?" He asked, turning his steel gaze toward me as he took off his glasses.

I gave him a confused look as he looked at me, "It's a cover story, they're fake glasses." He admitted shyly as he placed them onto my bookshelf and took a seat on the couch as I put my laptop on the couch as I handed it to him.

Our presentation had origionally been a random title page, so we decided to start anew.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He gave me a kind smile as he began typing on my laptop.

"Ooh! We have these killer mochas , well it's powder and you. . ." I paused, "you'll see!" I giggled as a smile appeared on his face, he turned toward me as I turned around.

Moments later, I came back, and he was standing again by the book shelf looking at that same picture.

"You know, if you stare at it long enough, it changes color." I joked.

"Really?" He knew I was joking and decided to play along.

"Here." I said, handing him the mocha.

"Wow, this is delicious. Thank you." I could feel myself blush.

He was too cute.

After four hours of making the presentation, we were done. And exhausted.

"Wow. It looks great. Send it to me so I can edit it later." He grinned, getting up to stretch his legs. I couldn't help but stare at his stomach as he stretched his arms, his shirt flying up a bit to reveal tanned abs.

"Liking the view?" He asked, as he began laughing.

"What view? All I see is you."

"I am the view." He said, sitting beside me. "So what do you want to do now?" He asked as he sat down beside me.

"I don't know." I said, wishing I could read his thoughts as he gave me a warm smirk.

"How about we go on a date?"

"A date?"

"Yeah, um. . ." He cleared his throat, looking confident, " I heard some rumors and." He began but I cut him off.

"Truth is." I said, my heart best racing and the fact that he was staring at me with his intense gray eyes was not helping my situation, "I might have a teeny, tiny, eensy, weensy, ant sized crush on you." I felt brave. But embarrased. My feelings had just been thrown out into the open, without knowing if he'll reject me or not.

With Christian, he hadn't official asked me to be his girlfriend, but in the end, it ended up that way. But I want thinks to work out with Noah, if he actually likes me. That is.

I stared at him, waiting for a response, his gray eyes seemed to darken a bit as his mouth began moving. "I like you too." He smiled.

My heart felt like it was about to burst. I wanted to kiss him.

"But," he continued, "I'd like to ask a favor." He seemed somewhat worried as I looked away, too much emotions overwhelming me.

"What is it?" I asked as he turned his mischievious gaze back on me.

"I. . .uh. . .well my parents. . .the thing is. . ." He kept restarting his sentence. I didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Noah, it's fine if you. . ." I said, but was cut off as his lips came crashing down on mine. Consuming me in heat as his mouth moved in synch with mine. I smiled against his lips, my arms around his neck and fingers in his hair as his tongue requested entrance into my mouth. I refused him entrance as his hand slid to my waist, where my shirt had rolled up. I gasped as shivers began rolling in the burning spot he'd just touched. Leaving myself off guard for a few seconds as his tongue entered my mouth, we fought for dominance as I felt a smile on his lips. My heart beat loud and clear, fast and hard, ad my lungs began running out of oxygen. This felt so good, so right. I slowly pulled away, a huge smile on my lips as the butterflies in my belly began flying faster at his darkening gray eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that for ages." He breathed, we were both breathless.

"So how about that date?" He smirked cheekily as he placed his jacket around my shoulders and led me out of my house door.

This felt too good to be true, like I was in some sort of dream. And that dream came crashing down when a small van parked on the driveway.

My parents. They're home.


Authors Note:

Ok so I lied a little because I couldn't keep my hands off of writing this book.

I'm really, really liking Noah, I hope he stays as innocent as he appears.

And ugh! Where were her parents for two days?!

Ok anyway I probably might update one more chapter because this cliffhanger is killing me and haha, they can't go on their date now. . Or can they?

Find out in the next chapter. Oh yeah and there's going to be way more drama with Amy and Jennifer and possibly Eleanor. Definately Christian will be involved.

Ok, au revior! See you soon my lovely readers! Please share this book, on your Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr accounts.

Please comment and vote, it puts a huge smile on my face and encourages me to update more.

Anyway enough of my annoying authors notes, there are going to probably be a few more, I don't have a number for sure, updates left.
I hope you like it.


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