Chapter 32: Take Me to Church

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A loud honk awakened me from my slumber, I looked out my room window to see a black unrecognizable car underneath.

"Hey Pure! It's Sunday, so my family wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go to church with us?" Brad shouted as I stared out my window and onto the driveway below, the whole town could practically hear him.

He was standing with his hair perfectly placed and his tuxedo perfectly ironed.

"I've never been," I shouted back, recalling the time when I went to Christian's funeral.

Christian. His name made my heart turn to stone, but I still couldn't help the sad little flutters that came up.

"It's good to try new things!" Brad exclaimed and walked out of sight to my front door and knocked.

I hopped out of bed, a slight pain in my stomache reminded me of yesterday at the hospital.

They allowed me to leave at 4 a.m this morning because a new patient who needed more help than I did showed up.

It was a 58 year old man who had a heart attack and they couldn't find space for him so they told me I could leave. As I'd been walking out of my room, I saw the strong old man clutching his chest, his wrinkled eyes in tears and his white hair shaken.

I wanted to cry for him but it was 4 a.m and everything seemed as though it were a blur.

Come to think about it, I'm going to go check on that old man today, hopefully he's doing better.

"Yes,  what do u want?" My grumpy father was standing at the door, wearing nothing but his underwear. I frantically looked around the living room, avoiding coming closer to the door.

Mom was sitting on the couch, her head peaked up to see and as far as I could see, she was wearing a robe.

"I was going to take Pure to church." Brad gave him a confident smile. I crept along the stairs, hoping to be unnoticed.

"How long is that gonna take?" My dad asked completely annoyed at being disrupted.

"Just a few hours, I'll have her home at 12." Brad gave him a warm smile and stood his ground.

"Well, 12 sounds great young man, have fun with our little bitch, and take as much time as you need, her mom and I are gonna be busy." He snorted, turning toward mom and winking.

"Ok, sir, thank you, let her know I'll be waiting in my car." Brad said as my dad shut the door.

"Evaleese! There's a guy waiting outside for you, hurry up and get your ass out of here." My dad shouted as I started hearing kissing and smooching sounds coming from the living room.

I ran into my room and looked through my closet.

What do people even wear to church?
Well Brad was wearing a tux and so I guess I'll just wear a dress.  What if it's too short?

I stared at my closet for a couple seconds more,  maybe a long dress would be appropriate.

I picked out a long mermaid dress with pink flowers and wore white sandals. I guess this would do, of course I don't know until I get there.

I hate trying new things.

"Uh. . . Uh. . . JACOB!" I heard from down stairs as disgust washed over me.

I have to get out of here, fast. I scurried down the stairs and stepped into the fresh earthy air.

The world was so green around me, it was glistening with small water droplets, shimmering as the sunlight hit. I walked past the small flower pot we'd put outside and never bothered to water. It was sad seeing the dead flowers but what could I do?

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