Chapter 28: Half of a Whole

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Should I talk to him? Do I say hi? or hello? What if I said "Greetings"? Why is this so difficult?

I need to come up with a plan.

Step 1: Approach him.

Step 2: Talk to him.

What am I supposed to say, I don't even know his name!

I glared at my math worksheet in frustraion.

The triangle below is a 30-60-90 triangle, if x is 8 then what are the other two angles. Use your trig functions.

The first math problem said.

Who the hell cared what x is? X is pointless and useless, Nobody cared about X and X should leave me alone because all he's done was make me think of his stupid cute song all morning and how I destroyed his guitar and his apology.

My goodness.

The bell rang, loudly ringing in my ears as everyone began putting their worksheets into their backpacks.

I messily stuffed my unfinished paper into my backpack.

I zipped everything up and began making my way to my next class.

I saw the green-eyed god walk out, talking to CJ.

I wanted so badly to be a part of their conversation.

I walked quietly to my next class which happened to be a door away from green eyes.

He had a biology class while I had anatomy.

I stepped into class and took my regular seat asthe teacher began talking.

"Good morning seniors, with only 3 more weeks to go, we've finally decided what we're doing for your senior project. We will partner you up and you have 1 week to work with whomever we have chosen on you assignment," A bunch of people groaned at the thought of having to do more work when graduation is so close. "Anywho, the winners will each recieve a three hundred dollar scholarship and this is a required assignment. You and your partner are to make a PowerPoint on each other, descibe the likes and dislikes, family life and so on, so that means you two better spend the entire week together if you'll get this done. Each presentation can not exceed five minutes. " The teacher said, putting a hand in her pocket.

"Will the partner be in this class or just the entire senior class?" A short Hispanic boy asked, he had a Mohawk the size of the eifel tower and soul full brown eyes. Unlike Christian.

"No Ned, I already said that we chose your partners, and we made sure they were people you didn't know or spend much time with so you can get to know a fellow senior before the year ends." She babbled on.

"Well can we switch partners?" A girl in the front of the room asked.

"Nope, you got what you got, if you ask to change or decide to switch, you will get a 0 on this assignment which could potentially destroy your chances of passing this year."

"How many points is it?" I found myself asking. Raising my hand as anxiety hit and my heart rate speeding like a car on the freeway.

"Good Question Pure, this assignment is worth 70 percent of your final grade. You are not allowed to exceed 5 minutes or change partners, if you have any more questioms, feel free to ask me after class, now it's this one to start our quiz. I hope you all memorized the endocrine system." She gave a wide grin, pulling a stack of papers from her desk and passing them around the room.

"Are you gonna tell us out partners?" Another boy asked, irritation present in his voice.

"I'll be posting the list later, make sure you know who you're working with!" She exclaimed excitedly as we began our tests.

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