Blades To Blades pt 2

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A week later after a long team practice, everyone is packing up. Frustrated that I can't get the hang of some stuff I kick the wall. A few people look over at me and I duck my head.

I'm already packed, I had thrown my stuff on a bench near the ice and look out at it. "Why can't I just do it?" I ask myself quietly.

I hear a chuckle behind me. "Talking to yourself, that can't be a good sign." I turn around to see Fulton standing next to the bench.

I sigh. "Neither can beating yourself up, huh?" I ask as I slump into the bench.

I look up at him as he moves to sit next to me. "Still can't switch?" He asks. I nod.

I look around and see most of the team had left or were talking far away from us. I look back over to him. "Do you think you could help me? Like privately. I know the team probably won't judge me but I'm still embarrassed. I especially need help with, you know, tackling." I say looking down.

"Sure, I'll ask coach if we could use to rink. Did you wanna do it today or tomorrow sometime?" He asks.

"I want to get it done as soon as I can." I say defeated.

He nods and stands up. He nods his head, gesturing towards coach. I sigh and stand up. We walk over to coach Bombay.

"Hey, coach. Do you think Logan and I could use the rink once everyone has gone? She wants to practice some stuff without everyone watching." Fulton asks.

Coach Bombay looks at us, then his watch. He sighs. "I'll be in the office doing some stuff for a few hours, so sure. You have until I have to leave." He says looking back down at his clipboard.

"Ok, thanks." Fulton says.

"Thanks, coach." I say as we walk off back to the bench.

We sit and wait for the last of our team to leave. Coach goes off to the office. We change back into our gear and head off onto the ice.

We practice some basic rules before he stops me. "Ok, I think it's time to try some tackling. You go stand on the line and when I say so, you just skate straight at me, as fast and hard as you can." He says pointing behind me.

I shake my head. "What if I hurt you or myself?" I ask scared.

He laughs. "Well, I'll be fine. I've been tackled by people way bigger than you, and we're wearing full protective gear. You'll be fine." He says shaking his head.

I take a deep breath and nod. I skate over to the line, turning around to look at him. He moves back and holds out his arms. "Ok, now charge!" He says.

I take another deep breath before going full speed at him. But I freak out and skid to a stop, lightly bumping into him.

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. "You're not meant to stop. You're meant to knock me over. You gotta follow through." He shakes his head.

I look up at him and laugh. "Sorry, freaked out last minute. Let me try again." I say.

He lets go of me and I skate back to the line. I shake out my nerves and turn back to him. He holds out his arms once more and nods at me.

I hunch down into a tackling position, charging at him. Just before I crash into him I close my eyes.

I hit hard against him as I hear a "Whoa." I feel his arms around me once more before we go down.

I slowly open my eyes to see myself lying on top of him. He laughs. "There you go! Perfect tackle."

I laugh, climb off of him and kneel beside him. I take off my helmet and breathe heavily. "Yeah, well I can't close my eyes every time." I laugh.

He sits up laughing and takes off his helmet. "Yeah, we'll work on that."

We watch each other, still giggling as we try to catch our breaths. I see him move closer as he touches my face lightly with his gloved hand, pulling me in. He leans in and softly places a kiss upon my lips. As we part our eyes never leave the other's.

His hand falls back to his lap as we blink at each other a few times before reality hits him. He hisses. "Man, I wasn't expecting that tackle to be so strong." He says holding his back.

I blink a few times more before sitting up. "I hurt you?" I ask, looking at him worried.

He waves me off. "Nah, it's ok. It's a hazard of the game. I'll just have to not underestimate you next time." He says standing up and holding his hand to help me up.

I take it grabbing my helmet on the way up. He leans down to grab his and we skate off to the edge of the rink.

"A quick break I think but we're definitely gonna work some more on that tackle of yours. You gotta learn to control that." He laughs, taking off his gloves, throwing them on the bench, grabbing his water and taking a sip.

I nod and go to sit on the bench, doing the same. He sits down next to me.

"Are you actually hurt? Because I'm really sorry if you are." I say still worried.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I've had way worse." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

"Ok, if you say so." I say laying my head on his shoulder, tired.


Oh my god, this was so fun to write.

I will admit I am new to the Mighty Ducks fandom. I had watched them as a kid but hardly remembered anything. But then I kept seeing edits for the movies because someone I'm mutuals with on TikTok and Insta kept posting them.

So a week ago I thought why not watch them, and guess what I'm in love... With the movies of course, what did you think?

Actually, the only thing I did remember about the movies was the fact Fulton was my favourite. Which I mean he is but I also love Charlie now.

I'm literally thinking about buying the Funko pops and maybe a jersey. I still need to watch game changers. (I did watch season 2 a while ago but I wasn't invested back then.)

Anyway, I love you all especially if you like the Mighty Ducks.


Drew X

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