I should be sleeping pt 2

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Wednesday morning, 9 am. The diner is quiet, it always is on weekdays until lunchtime. Makes sense, since everyone is either working or at school. We get a few customers, mainly older people and stay-at-home parents, the occasional busy person "to go" and school skipper.

So when I heard the door and I looked up to see Fulton I prepared to make a "to go" order. I stood by the register but to my surprise, he sat down in one of the booths and picked up a menu.

I grab my notepad and pen and walk up to him. "Hey Fulton, how are you?" I ask walking up to him.

"Oh hey (Y/N), yeah I'm alright. You?" He says looking up.

"Mh-hm, yeah I'm good. So, you got class today?" I ask.

"Yeah, in a few hours, I just thought I'd get some breakfast." He says smiling.

"Oh, right! What can I get ya?" I ask smiling back.

"Uh," He looks back down at the menu. "I'll just get the pancakes and orange juice thanks." He looks back up at me.

I nod. "No problem. I'll go get that for you." I say as I walk off. I hand in the order and pour up his orange juice. "Here you go, pancakes will be ready soon." I say placing the cup down and taking a seat.

"So you guys aren't too busy today?" He says after taking a sip.

"Nah, Monday mornings are often pretty slow. You know, with everyone working and whatnot." I say leaning back. He nods. "So what class are you taking?" I ask.

"Architecture, it's not needed for what I want to do, uh, construction, but it can help. Plus it would be nice to have a college degree." He explains.

"But doesn't that have a lot of math?" I groan jokingly.

He laughs. "Yeah, I wouldn't say it's my strong suit but it's worth it." He says fiddling with his hands.

I hear the bell ding and I nod to him before standing up. I quickly grab his pancakes and place them in front of him. "Pancakes!" I say sitting back down.

He smiles and cuts off a piece. "So... What do you do for fun, you know when you're not working here?" He asks before placing the piece in his mouth.

I sigh. "Not anything yet. I haven't really had time to try and find something to do in this town. I mean I've been here as a kid but I always had Charlie show me around. I've just been busy and tired. If I'm not working here I'm fixing up my apartment. But it's fine I'll get around to it." I say laying my head in my hands.

"Oh damn. Well, we need to fix that." He says shocked.

"We?" I look up at him.

"Yeah! I'll help you, probably take my mind off my homework. Here give me your home number. I'll call you tonight we can figure out when we're both free." He says.

Shocked I nod. I pull out my notepad and write my number, handing it to him. He folds it up and shoves it in his pocket. "I have the perfect spot." He says shoving some more pancakes into his mouth.


*Ring ring*

I roll over on my bed and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" I hear on the other end.

I laugh. "Yeah, it's me, Fulton. I didn't give you a fake number."

"Good. How are you?" He asks.

I smile. "I'm good, tired but good. How was class?"

I hear him groan causing me to chuckle. "Let's not speak of that. Honestly, I'm so happy I don't go tomorrow." He says.

I gasp. "You're free tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah, probably gonna take a walk or something. Why?" He asks confused.

"I'm free tomorrow too. Isn't that why you called to see if our schedules match so you could show me something fun to do?" I say laying back.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot. But yay, we can hang out. We should meet up for lunch or something. Then I can show you around." He says, it sounds like he's stretching.

"Oh yeah, that sounds good. Give us some time to rest. Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" I smile.

He chuckles. "Nope! It's a secret. But I can tell you Charlie had a massive tumble there, don't worry he didn't get too hurt. But it was so funny, he was so embarrassed."


"And then Dean tried to flirt with her to get out of trouble. I have never seen an old lady swing her arm so hard. Got him right in the jaw, it bruised. And he can take a punch, I mean he is one-half of the Bash brothers." Fulton laughs.

"The bash brothers? Who's the other half?" I ask as I yawn.

I hear him chuckle. "You're talking to him."

"What? But "bash" normally means, you know, rough and mean. I wouldn't think you'd have a nickname like "bash brother". You're so nice." I smile.

"Aww, thanks. But you haven't seen me on the ice. We didn't give ourselves that nickname, some announcers did. I think it's because we're both big defencemen. Also, I have a powerful slapshot, I probably seem scary because of that." He says as I hear him yawn as well.

I giggle. "Well, they definitely have never spoken to you off the ice, because you seem like such a big softie. I mean would a big bad, mean hockey player talk to me until..." I look at the clock on my wall and gasp before laughing. "2 am?! Oh man, good thing I'm not working tomorrow."

"What? Oh damn! Sorry for keeping you up so late. We can stop if you want." He says sighing.

"Oh no, no it's fine. I'm enjoying talking to you. You're so easy to talk to. Although if we keep talking we might have to cancel tomorrow, or uh, today. Or at least have a change of plans." I sigh. "You could come over to my place. We could order lunch and you could help me patch up my wall." I joke.

He chuckles. "I think I'd be too tired for that but we could just relax. Don't worry the place I have planned is a nice spot, very calming. Look I'll see you tomorrow. We'll meet and have lunch at the diner. Ok?"

I hum. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight!" He says softly.

"Goodnight!" I reply sleepily.

He hangs up and I put the phone away smiling. I roll over in bed and pull the blanket up to my chin. I sigh and close my eyes, already feeling myself slip into sleep.


Ooooh! Cute! And also part 3? Definitely. I've got it planned. It's hopefully gonna be sweet and cute.

Finishing off this chapter past midnight so still fits the title and so does this chapter. Score!

Anyway, thanks for reading.


Drew X

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